Swim Bladder?


Fish Addict
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Eastern Kentucky
One of my bettas seems to have a swim bladder issue. I noticed this evening that he is basically stuck on the bottom of his tank, and struggles to make it to the surface. I plan on lowering the water level in just a minute. What can I do to cure this? Is there a cure?
He isn't deformed in any way or swollen. He looks fine, he just can't get off the bottom of the tank. When he does make it to the top, he then falls back down as hard and fast as a rock.
He could be constipated. Try fasting him for a day or two then feeding him a deshelled, boiled/microwaved pea.

It is important to watch the Betta's diet. They are little piggies and don't get the excercise to keep them regular. It is one of the problems with putting them in a community tank. They will eat themselves sick. They need a regular fast schedule, imo, and some veggie. Pea seems to work best for them or daphnia.

Is your Betta very old? Does he have a place to rest near the surface?
Thanks! I have had constipated bettas before, but they never had problems swimming.
I will give him a plant to rest on near the surface.
He is VERY old. I have had him 3 years, and he was a few months old when I got him. So he is getting up there.
Oh, and if it is constipation, wouldn't he be slightly bloated or swollen?

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