I Want Some Heavy Duty Eheims


Fish Addict
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Eastern Kentucky
I still haven't chosen which filters I want. I have been reading up, and have decided I'm definitely getting Eheim filters for my 75gallon. However, I have no idea what kind I want.
Should I get HOBs, canisters, internal? What do you guys recommend?
I want something with a lot of power that will make overfiltration an understatement when it comes to my tank. What can give me this?

You can't go wrong with the canister. Here's the problems I see with overfiltration:

1) you only have as much bacteria as your bioload will support. So, if you have 3 filters, presumably each filter will be only handling 1/3 of the load.
2) the actual filtration function of a filter (catching the small solids) is a farily minor part of the job of a filter, since those solids will settle out anyhow (usually).
3) it creates a lot of turbulance and/or fast moving water, which may be fine for your fish, but may not be if you hava angels or something like that.

But, my background being in disaster recovery, I like the idea of having twice the filtering capacity that you need to be able to lose a filter due to breakdown or maintenance and still maintain a heatly tank.
For a low profile, you can't beat a pair of canisters. Set one up for mechanical filtration, the other for bio. Which ones depends on your budget, the Classics work as well as the Pro line, the Pros are easier to maintain.

I always double up on filtration, canisters give you more control over flow than any other filter. For fish that like current, aim the output across the tank. For fish that don't like current, aim the flow down or towards the back of the tank where the output is positioned. For really messy fish mount the spray bar vertically.

The Eheim intakes & outputs are green, and are pretty easy to camo with a plant or two.
If you want to over filter nothing will beat an Eheim Pro III, this boy is the mutts nuts trust me. So quiet you'd never hear it and soooooo easy to maintain. The only problem is it's size so check to see if it fits in your cabinet.

It's not cheap but worth every penny, hunt around because prices very.

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