What Is This Fish? Plz Help Me....

i found it online and i was just wondering what type of fish it was :sad: .......its no joke......im sorry for offending you! i was just curious as to what fish it was.... the paterning is soooo beautiful. im sorry for not being specific. :fish:

oh, and im prety sure its not a pine cone, as i was searching for "fish scales" on google. :fish:

Certain ignorami (who seem to have only a minimal command of the English language) notwithstanding, your question is certainly not an offensive one. You are right...the pattern is quite spectacular but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to identify a fish by looking at an isolated pattern of scales (except in certain fish where the scales themselves are very distinctive). I checked the site where this picture originated and apparently it was taken at Seaworld Indonesia but there is no further information as to the type of fish. You might consider checking with the web site owner to see if he/she has any additional info.

thanks joe! :)
for your help! :D

i thought that it would be quite hard to find out what it was :sad: i didn't expect too much, but i was just hoping that if someone saw it and recognised it they might be able to help, but thank you every one (well almost every one...) for replying! :D and thank you for at least trying! it is much appreciated!

:fish: :thanks: :fish:
if i found out what it is i will definatedly post it here.


no luck as of yet...... :no: :( :no:

oh well, i'm still trying :)


thanks for your comments!
Hi and welcome to the forum

Try check out some Arowana websites on the internet. Arowanas are quite popular in the far east.......

Good luck anyway :D
:thanks: thank you for your reply! the Arowanas are the closest thing i have seen so far, but i'm not quite sure if they are the same fish, but thank you so much for trying to help! :D :thanks:

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