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  1. T

    Your oldest fish

    I thought it would be interesting to hear how long people have kept fish for. The average lifespans that are listed in books and websites always seem kinda low compared to what I've actually experienced myself. I guess fish usually die young in nature compared to those in our aquarium. I have...
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    Panda garra with white spots

    I figured I should give an update so people can know that panda garras can tolerate higher temps for ich treatment. Two weeks of 85-88f then very gradual drop back to 77. Now in the main tank with no signs of ich or anything. The fish has also grown 1/2 inch and is much more active in the larger...
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    Panda garra with white spots

    Thank you for the reply. I tried to earlier but I couldn't catch a clear pic. I'll try again if it helps, but do you mean the feces, the fish or both? The poo is very long and thread-like with a clearing white coloration if that helps.
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    Panda garra with white spots

    I am so frustrated. Everything was going well and white spots hadn't come back. No more flashing neither. Yesterday I noticed some stringy white poo, and then again today. He seems to be eating still, both tank algae and sinking wafers. I've been doing water changes and checking parameters and...
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    Panda garra with white spots

    Gotcha - thanks!
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    Panda garra with white spots

    For sure I will. Quick question though: how long after that should I keep the fish quarantined before I put him in the main tank? To be honest, I'm a little paranoid now that the fish might be a carrier after and introduce it into my community tank.
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    Panda garra with white spots

    It has been a couple days since I turned up the temp to 86-87 and it seems to be working. All the white spots have dropped from the fish and not rubbing nearly as much. I think I got lucky and caught it early. The fish seems ok with the heat, although I have been feeding him more and I made sure...
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    Panda garra with white spots

    Thank you for the reassurance. I'll try the heat first. I have read that loaches don't do well with ich medications, but it seems like people can't agree on that neither. I guess both options are better than dying of ich though. I just wish I could know for sure if it is ich. The fish is...
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    Panda garra with white spots

    I picked up a panda garra a couple days ago and when I was acclimating it to put it in the quarantine tank I noticed a few white spots. He has since developed a few more, but very faint. Perhaps it is still the early stages. He is also rubbing against the gravel and driftwood. Ammonia is 0...
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    Skittish gourami

    He will come up to eat, he has good color, and he seems content grazing on algae.
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    Skittish gourami

    Nothing unusual. I added the amanos last week but his behavior has been like this since i got him. In the brief period I had the other two in there they seemed unusually skittish as well.
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    Skittish gourami

    I should mention when I got him I.made the mistake of getting two others. They were not getting along so I recommend the two that were fighting amd left this guy
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    Skittish gourami

    There has been no nipping at all. He is an old cherry about 6 years old and he just chills, sometimes even with the gourami
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    Skittish gourami

    Thanks for the suggestions. My light is on a timer and it has that sunrise/sunset mode so it isn't so abrupt. The tank is in a room that is heavily trafficked as well. My parameters have been good. I test 0 ammonia and nitrite, and nitrates are about 5 ppm. My ph is about 7.6-7.8.
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    Skittish gourami

    Other fish include 12 cardinals, 1 lemon tetra and 1 cherry barb and 6 amano shrimp. I've had him for about 6 weeks
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    Skittish gourami

    I have a thicklipped gourami in a 29 gallon community tank and he is really shy and skittish. It has gotten a bit better since I brought him home over a month ago. It's like he would see me from across the room amd dart behind the vals. Sometimes he freaks right out and bumps into stuff so I'm...
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  20. T

    29 Gallon - should I add Ottos?

    Thanks for the wise advice. In terms of algae, I have lots. My water produces lots of diatoms. In fact, even my older tanks still have some. I am not in the Uk but I do know they have been in their tank for at least a month, if not longer. They are a small operation specializing in cichlids and...
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    29 Gallon - should I add Ottos?

    Wow, I had no idea there were so many varieties available in the hobby. Thanks for the input!
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    29 Gallon - should I add Ottos?

    I want some advise before I had a small school of otocinclus to my 29 gallon. I was thinking between 3-5 of them to help with the algae amd plus I really love catfish but I have fluorite substrate and don't want to chance it with corydoras. My current stocking is as follows: 6 cardinal tetras...
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    29 gallon suggestions

    Thank you for the advice - much appreciated
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    29 gallon suggestions

    Thank you fir the detailed reply. The two older fish do look content and shoal with the cardinals so I think you're right just to leave them be and not add more of their kind. Both seem to stay out if the gourami' s way too. In terms of filtration, I do gave an HOB filter on the lowest flow...
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    29 gallon suggestions

    Just wanted to get some advice on how to move forward with 29 gallon I recently set up. It is a planted tank with the following stock: 1 new male Thicklipped Gourami 6 newer Cardinal tetras 1 10 yr old Lemon Tetra (sole survivor of old school) 1 6 yr old cherry barb (sole survivor of old...
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    Next step?

    UPDATE: Ok, so I decided to go with a 29 gallon tall since I got a great deal and it fits my existing stand. I have a Fluval C3 and an old Eheim aquaball 60 running forba few days. I haven't moved any fish yet. I have some old sponge I'll move over from the 15 gallon when its time. My wife and...
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    Next step?

    Thanks, Colin. How long should I run the brand new tank with some carbon before I move the filter media and fish over?
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    Next step?

    All great suggestions - thanks for the help deciding. At the very least I will keep the 15g going to use as a quarantine tank as I stock the new 30g one. Maybe I'll move it to my son's room when that process is complete. I'll cycle it first, but at least I have some sponge filter to get it...
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    Next step?

    Thank you all for replying. This will give me something to think about, which is better than just jumping into something. Sticking with the 15 gallon would be the easiest and cheapest option, but on the other hand I haven't treated myself in some time now. My son is interested in fish and is sad...
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    Next step?

    I'll start by saying I haven't posted on here for over a decade, and my current 15 gallon setup has been running for almost as long. Believe it or not, I still have a couple fish from my original stocking of this tank. My lemon tetra is 10 years old! I have moved and started a family, and to be...
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    What Is The Best Water Treatment

    seachem prime has been recommended to me more than any other tap water conditioner.
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    Glow Light Danio

    if you ca get a number of the same species, as I found they schooled much tighter than my zebras and also lower in the water column.
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    Stock For A Nano Planted Tank

    If you get galaxy rasboras get at least five. I like microrasboras, but don't see them very often. What about a dwarf puffer or a trio of sparkling gouramis? Ember tetras might fit. Pygmy cories are really small and four of those might be nice. Obviously a betta is an option. You could breed...
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    What To Do With A 1 Gallon Tank

    that rock is cool, I have a very similarly-shaped piece of moonrock in my 5.5 gallon planted. The shrimp love all the nooks it provides. I think in your case it might displace too much water--lowering your already very low tank volume. Just my opinion if you plan on keeping any sort of fish or...
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    What Is The Best Way To Feed Frozen Bloodworm?

    I find that a whole cube is waaaaaay too much food if you have a smaller setup and smaller fish. I have a shoal of 11 tetras and they maybe get a quarter-cube, melted in a container with tank water. I also like to add the contents sorta slowly so that as little food as possible goes uneaten up...
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    Lemon Tetras

    I went with 5 juvenile black phantoms since they were so healthy looking and had really vivid contrasts. They seem to like schooling with the lemons right now. Thanks for the suggestions, I hope they fit in well.
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    Lemon Tetras

    that's a great idea saz, I just saw some microrasbora at the LFS yesterday, that or ember tetras would be really nice.
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    Lemon Tetras

    Thanks for the great list, I'm stuck between adding 5 glowlights or 5 rummynose tetras.
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    Lemon Tetras

    I have a cycled 2 foot 15 gallon tank with 6 lemon tetras. There's no plants now, just alot of rock and driftwood, gravel substrate. I was going to transfer some panda cories but changed my mind since they have sand in their present tank. I'd like to keep it South American. What sort of...
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    Basics In Aquascaping

    wish I had read this a long time ago, agreed this needs to be pinned