Next step?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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I'll start by saying I haven't posted on here for over a decade, and my current 15 gallon setup has been running for almost as long. Believe it or not, I still have a couple fish from my original stocking of this tank. My lemon tetra is 10 years old! I have moved and started a family, and to be honest I have lost a little interest in it. I still take care of the tank, but I never really replaced the fish that have slowly passed in the last few years. So, I have a 15 gallon with one old lemon tetra, an almost as old cherry barb, and a five yr old Amano shrimp.

What would you do? Lately I have been thinking of adding a school of 10 neon tetras, or some other small fish. I am not sure how they would do with a lemon tetra and barb. I don't really want to add more of the same species because it would be nice to try something different, but I do feel bad for those two lonely fish though...

My other option is to upgrade to a 30 gallon tank. I think this might bring back my interest in tropical fish, as well as open up more opportunities for an interesting aquarium. I am a little worried about cost though.

Any insight or cautionary advice would be greatly appreciated!
I don't know the age of your children but it might be easiest to keep the 15 gallon tank. If your children develop an interest in the aquarium then you can go larger then, if your family develops other interests it is easier to re-home a smaller number of fish. Fish keeping has a tendency to encourage one to keep more and more tanks, but as some time the maintenance becomes an issue and the tank maintenance tends to be forgotten with the other demands of having a family.
I would get the bigger tank and encourage the kids to pick out fish to go in it. As long as the fish are compatible and suited to your pH and GH, you should be fine. The kids might help get your enthusiasm back for the hobby. If they don't, you can blame them for ruining it for you :)

You could also give the old fish to a pet shop and put some new fish or shrimp in the smaller tank.
I got into slaltwater to respark my interest in aquariums.
Thank you all for replying. This will give me something to think about, which is better than just jumping into something. Sticking with the 15 gallon would be the easiest and cheapest option, but on the other hand I haven't treated myself in some time now. My son is interested in fish and is sad that there are only two left. Actually he likes the shrimp even more! I did own two other small tanks when I lived in a condo so I understand the temptation to keep expanding. I have a large aquarium stand and a much bigger home now so a larger tank is possible. Tough decisions...
Treat yourself to a bigger tank, move the 2 remaining fish and the amano to it once it's cycled, and let your son redo the 15G and get his own fish. Add fish to your bigger tank.
All great suggestions - thanks for the help deciding. At the very least I will keep the 15g going to use as a quarantine tank as I stock the new 30g one. Maybe I'll move it to my son's room when that process is complete. I'll cycle it first, but at least I have some sponge filter to get it going. I'm getting excited for this. Now I'm starting to think even bigger and go with a 55g!
just take some filter media from the old tank and put it in the new tank. no need to cycle it then
Thanks, Colin. How long should I run the brand new tank with some carbon before I move the filter media and fish over?
UPDATE: Ok, so I decided to go with a 29 gallon tall since I got a great deal and it fits my existing stand. I have a Fluval C3 and an old Eheim aquaball 60 running forba few days. I haven't moved any fish yet. I have some old sponge I'll move over from the 15 gallon when its time.

My wife and son really love the neons or cardinals so I'm going to put together a community tank with them, a few pearl or honey gouramis, and maybe a cleanup crew. Of course, I still have that lemon tetra and cherry barb. Which fish should I introduce into the tank with the old filter media? Would a school of cardinals be ok, or should I go another path? I'm worried about stressing out the old fish by putting them into the new tank though. I guess I could do a fishless cycle but do I need to in this situation? My other thought would be a few small hardy fish, like danios or something just until I get it going. Oh, and I also have it with some lowlights plants as well. Thanks for your help!

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