What Is The Best Way To Feed Frozen Bloodworm?

melt a cube in a cup of tank water then feed or i sometimes hold the cube in the water and the fish swim up and pick bits off when it melts.
Like DD2510 said, put the cube into a cup/glass, get some of the tank water into it, and swirl it around until melted, then pour the contents back into the tank
Yes always melt first useing tank water works best. If you don't one lucky bossy fish will get more then he should. When you melt it all fish can get some.
I find that a whole cube is waaaaaay too much food if you have a smaller setup and smaller fish. I have a shoal of 11 tetras and they maybe get a quarter-cube, melted in a container with tank water. I also like to add the contents sorta slowly so that as little food as possible goes uneaten up the filter or buried in gravel. I'd rather underfeed than overfeed since I have tanks 15 gallons and under. I'd say it depends.

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