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  1. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    Great I'll try it tomorrow... Many Thanks
  2. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    is it the juice from the fresh garlic or something diff?
  3. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    that's what i was thinking too...took out carbon from the filter when started with med first time. what can help them to recover? some vitamins ? i am really worried hate when my pets don't feel good
  4. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    not yet i should do from tomorrow... today was the final 5th day of the treatment
  5. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    sorry what does it mean redose? :S
  6. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    no i don't think so ... they eat ok, white spots some of them...trying to scrub themselves...dark eyes but not all the time... and otherwise than when scrubbing they seem to be ok
  7. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    oh no... i hope it has something to do with the ich and hope that treatment will help i found this: Typical signs of infection. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis aka "Ick". Water. Elevated Ammonia levels, high Nitrate measurements, & sudden changes in Temperature especially a fall in Temperature...
  8. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    Thank you very much and sorry posted again but i wanted to change the topic name as it wasn't about the treatment length any more ... fingers x for my guppies
  9. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    What about black eyes?
  10. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    sorry what about now?
  11. R

    What's Wrong With My Guppies?

    Something wrong with my guppies... :unsure: They are eating fine but some have white salt grains tails (some smaller and some bigger grains) see photos and also very dark eyes... I started treatment but would like to know your opinion what you think it might be... Hopefully it will match my...
  12. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    they do... amd those specs looks shiny only on the photo it looks like smaller and bigger salt grains attached to her tail
  13. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    It's changing through the day sometimes it's dark but sometimes really black... I don't know if it looks like salt and's it's only on the tail or at least only there visible... The med works also for velvet disease just in the case is that... i just want my guppies to be healthy :sad:
  14. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    colorfull flakes they eat fine hungry all the time :-) but the color of the eyes is worrying me and also the spots... I hope it is ich what do you think?
  15. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment? Sorry for delay my internet speed is crap... You might be able to see the spots and the 'dark eyes'
  16. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    but witch dosage because it was diff 1 st day than 2nd and 3rd day so 4 and 5 is the same as 2 & 3rd but from day 6 is what from the beginning or just the same as from day 2? is it confusing sorry...
  17. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    'Insert Image' ? url address? sorry ... :crazy:
  18. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    And also they eat fine... By the way I took some photos how do I post them?
  19. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    They have black eyes only some time of the day and they didn't have it before ich problem started and still not all of them have it (black eyes)
  20. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    I am in UK, the thing is that I am 4th day using esha exit will use it still tomorrow but not sure what I should do afterwards as I read on forums the treatment should be at least 10-14 days? Also is it normal for guppies to have really black eyes when sick of ich? Another thing I read...
  21. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    Thank You ;) I can't find anything and also not sure about dosage of Esha Exit...if you want to extend treatment...on more than 5 days as it is not on leaflet.
  22. R

    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    I have ich on my guppies so I got Esha Exit and started as on instruction leaflet. It says that you can add 4th and 5th day treatment with stated amount of drops but I read somewhere on aquatics forum that you can treat the fish even longer if spots on fish persist. What should I do? :-(