Length Of Ich Treatment?


New Member
Mar 31, 2009
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Buckinghamshire - UK
I have ich on my guppies so I got Esha Exit and started as on instruction leaflet. It says that you can add 4th and 5th day treatment with stated amount of drops but I read somewhere on aquatics forum that you can treat the fish even longer if spots on fish persist. What should I do? :-(
Welcome to the forums rea666,

Take a look in some nearby threads for a member named oldman47 and look in the bottom area of one of his posts (called the signature) and I think he's got a link to his guidelines for treatment of ich (aka white spot.) Or else, there's also an "emergencies" section where some of the experts like Wilder will take a look at your problem.
Thank You ;)
I can't find anything and also not sure about dosage of Esha Exit...if you want to extend treatment...on more than 5 days as it is not on leaflet.
Where are you, Rea?. If you're in the UK, 'Protozin' will do the trick, but you need to follow the instructions to the letter.
I am in UK, the thing is that I am 4th day using esha exit will use it still tomorrow but not sure what I should do afterwards as I read on forums the treatment should be at least 10-14 days?

Also is it normal for guppies to have really black eyes when sick of ich?
Another thing I read somewhere here that I should switch the light in the tank off? Does the light has any influence on treatment? How long it should take to treat the tank with 83-84F in the tank?
Black eyes can be fish tb. Is the iris black. Also are you sure they didn't have black eyes before.
Some parasite meds the light infers with them but that's usuall machalite green.
They have black eyes only some time of the day and they didn't have it before ich problem started and still not all of them have it (black eyes)
Any fish look skinny or bent spines.
Is it possible to load a pic up of the fish eyes.

Never heard of a whitepot med turning the eyes black.
Use the browser button and load pic up.

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