What's Wrong With My Guppies?


New Member
Mar 31, 2009
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Buckinghamshire - UK
Something wrong with my guppies... :unsure: They are eating fine but some have white salt grains tails (some smaller and some bigger grains) see photos and also very dark eyes... I started treatment but would like to know your opinion what you think it might be... Hopefully it will match my thoughts...and the treatment will help

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white spot, if you go to any fish shop they have a liquid that you buy in a bottle for around 5 pound, treat them with that, that should sort it.
Already done the same post in beginners. Stick to the same thread.
The only thing I know about black eyes is. If the iris is black it's a symtom of fish tb.

Taken from the link.

Fish Tuberculosis
Latin name: Mycobacterium piscium
Other names:
Pathogen: bacteria
Symptoms: An autopsy reveals numerous nodules in the spleen, liver, kidney, heart, intestines, gills, muscles, sex glands, skin, eyes, and the skeleton. The nodules have a curdled consistency and are of brown or white color, Clamped fins, Fish are inert, Fish do swinging movements, Fish hide in secluded places, Fish move in violent rushes, Fish stop feeding, Fish swing on their side, Black discoloration of the iris, Black spots, Bloat, Bloated front part of belly, Brightening (lighting) of body colors, Bump, Fish growth slows down, Fish stop growing, Fraying of fins, Leukoma (spot on an eye), Loss of eyes, Overall body thinness, Popped eyes, Scale raising, Scale shedding, Separation of fin rays, Skin became transparent because of very enlarged belly, Small dark spots, Tail fin is down

Affected fish become sluggish, hide in the corners of the aquarium, swim with the caudal fin down, stop feeding, lie on one side on the gravel with the head and tail up. They show swaying movements, folded fins, emaciation, fading colors, eroding fin rays, bumps that turn into lesions, scale loss, ulcerous skin wounds, dark coloration of the iris, eye protrusion, and black spots all over the body. These symptoms may occur singly or in various combinations. If Tuberculosis is suspected, the liver and kidneys should be thoroughly examined. Through the magnifying glass and sometimes with the naked eye one can observe nodules of whitish to yellowish color. Microscopic examination will reveal pathogens. An autopsy will reveal numerous nodules in the spleen, liver, kidney, heart, intestines, gills, muscles, sex glands, skin, eyes, and the skeleton. These nodules have a curdy consistency and are of brown or white color. Examination of internal organs of Cichlids and Anabantidae will often reveal melanized tubercles (grainy black formations). They are from 60 to 200 micrometers in size. Later stages of mycobacteriosis are characterized by hardening and hyperplasia of thick connective tissue which fills in elements of affected areas (cirrhosis).
Thank you very much and sorry posted again but i wanted to change the topic name as it wasn't about the treatment length any more ... fingers x for my guppies
Does your fish show anymore symtoms that match tb.
oh no... i hope it has something to do with the ich and hope that treatment will help

i found this:

Typical signs of infection. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis aka "Ick".

Water. Elevated Ammonia levels, high Nitrate measurements, & sudden changes in Temperature especially a fall in Temperature cam bring about a latent infection.

Behaviour. Anorexia, (loss of appetite with consequential wasting), hiding abnormally, rubbing & scratching , breathing at the surface, fast respiration, refusing all food are all typical indications, but these are also signs in other problems so diagnosis must be coupled with other indications.

Fins. Fins folded, Fins showing white spots about 1mm in size.

Body. White spots from . 2mm - 1mm in size will appear over the body.

Eyes. Eyes may appear cloudy.

Gills. Gill examination may show numbers of such white spots.

Skin. (smear). Should show ciliates if white spot is present.
I know eyes can go cloudy with whitespot but they don't turn black.
Just keep an eye on the fish for tb symtoms.
no i don't think so ...
they eat ok, white spots some of them...trying to scrub themselves...dark eyes but not all the time... and otherwise than when scrubbing they seem to be ok
Have you redosed the med.
Fish do flick with whitespot.

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