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  1. H

    Armoured Plec Found In Leicestershire Canal!

    What were the water stats?
  2. H

    I Think I Found Out Why 10 Fish Died On The Weekend

    I don't know much about this, but as interesting as it definitely is, I'm not sure it is of a great deal of use or comfort to you Tom? If your LFS pointed to Carbon as the likely cause of your fish deaths, then you can either believe them or not believe them? If you believe this 'old' Carbon to...
  3. H

    Apple Snails Praise

    Hi Tom. My Apple Snails no longer have the tank to themselves, they now share with a small group of WCMM. But they still have all that algae, pellets and food waste to themselves, so they feed well. I have one Male and one Female. They have grown considerably bigger in the couple of weeks that...
  4. H

    Apple Snails Praise

    I've only seen mine climb the glass/my plants and then let go and gracefully glide back down to the gravel a couple of times Balapickerel - but I observed this behaviour a lot in my LFS before I purchased them. It looks great. Mine are still going strong after 8 days (they were the first...
  5. H

    Single Pleco Only?

    Thanks Jen. I'll forget the 8" idea then - I was thinking more of tank volume rather than tank length I guess... I'll look at the smaller species of Plec's. Mark.
  6. H

    Single Pleco Only?

    Thanks. The tank is 16"x20"x18". It's cube shaped. Think I worked that out as 57 litres...
  7. H

    Single Pleco Only?

    Hi. I have a spare 55L tank which I am thinking of setting up to house just a single Pleco. Just wondered if this would be fair to the fish? Are there species of Pleco that would be fine all by themselves as opposed to having the company of other Plecos/fish? If so, which ones? Also, am I...
  8. H

    Mopani Wood Fuzz And Plecos

    I have that same white fuzzy slime on my piece of Mopani Wood Lordtrini. It appeared on the wood after only seven days of the tank cycling. It is mold and not algae I understand. Can't speak for any species of pleco yet, by even my Golden Apple Snails don't really touch this stuff much... Mark.
  9. H

    Marine Aquaruim After 20 Years...

    Well, I've spent a bit of time setting up my sons small tropical freshwater tank over the last few days, but have now started to work on the tl450. I've got some work to do before I begin though; I bought second hand and there are always pro's and con's. One of the lights needs replacing and...
  10. H

    Apple Snails Praise

    Yep, they are great. Mine seem to come alive more at around 4pm and are quite active until it's too dark to see what's happening in the tank. That is a lot of snails Saltynay! I'd not previously heard of Assassin snails... Mark.
  11. H

    Apple Snails Praise

    On day 19 of its fishless cycle I felt it was okay (according to the test results) to introduce some livestock into my sons 35l tank. I went for two medium sized Golden Apple snails. And what a good choice they've been 72 hours in. I don't think they are boring at all and it has been really...
  12. H

    Marine Aquaruim After 20 Years...

    Not tempting fate SkiFletch. English irony sir; I know if anyone will get it wrong despite good instruction, it'll be me!!! Have just pulled the tank out the box for the first time since I bought it. Looks good; exciting times. I'll be getting things going from the middle of next week... Mark.
  13. H

    Peaceful Bottom Dweller For Small Tank?

    Hi MiniKarter. I've also just bought a 35 litre tank with a few plants and some bogwood etc. It's for my young son and is currently in a fishless cycle state. Hopefully I'll be in a position to add some fish very soon. A peaceful bottom dweller or dwellers are what we really want to keep the...
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    Marine Aquaruim After 20 Years...

    Thanks SkiFletch. Will do. So much info on the Orca 450 here - almost seems there'll be no excuse for getting things wrong... Mark.
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    Bn Pleco For A 10 Gal,

    I really like the Bristlenose Pleco - would like to add one to my 10g tank (which is still going through a fishless cycle). But I thought from asking around that they grow too large to be housed in a 10g comfortably (regardless of other fish). Am I wrong? I kind of hope I am really... Mark
  16. H

    Marine Aquaruim After 20 Years...

    Think I'm looking forward to the challenges of modifying the tank as much as I am adding the livestock!!! Mark
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    Marine Aquaruim After 20 Years...

    I read your thread Leeroy before I bought the Orca this week. Really vital info in there. After reading the thread I had a good think whether I'd be up to the challenge - and then bought it. I have no rush, so I can take my time and learn all that I can whilst setting it up. Mark
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    Marine Aquaruim After 20 Years...

    Just wanting to say 'Hi'. I've just purchased a (second hand) Orca TL450 Nano Tank & Stand, which I'm really looking forward to setting up. I'm not in any rush at all, so will take my time and read the masses and masses of vital information on this site. I'm just cycling-in a small (35 litre)...
  19. H

    Red/brush Algae?

    Thanks for that Smoothy. It won't be long until I've used my Interpet starter kit...and then I'll try the API liquid tests. Mark.
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    Red/brush Algae?

    Hi. This is my first posting on this forum and wondered if anyone could help me with a few questions? I once tried to set up a small Marine aquarium in my early teens, bought all the bits and pieces - and then bottled out going through with it. Twenty years later I've finally bought another...