Marine Aquaruim After 20 Years...


New Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Hampshire, UK
Just wanting to say 'Hi'. I've just purchased a (second hand) Orca TL450 Nano Tank & Stand, which I'm really looking forward to setting up. I'm not in any rush at all, so will take my time and read the masses and masses of vital information on this site.

I'm just cycling-in a small (35 litre) tropical freshwater tank for my young son at the moment also, so am cutting my teeth on this to a degree.

These are my first ever aquariums. Twenty years ago when I was 14 I actually tried to set up a nano (that word didn't exist then I swear) Marine tank of about 10 gallons if i remember right. I just wanted to keep a couple of fishes or perhaps a single hermit crab. I purchased some equipment and set everything up - but I lost my confidence at the thought of all those tests and the daily upkeep and dismantled it again a month later! Very sad!

Hopefully this time though!!

(I actually went up in my parents loft last month and found a box of that Marine stuff that I must have kept. Three sealed bags of sand, three sealed bags of coral. a large box of 'Instant Ocean' salt, a 'Seatest' hydrometer, a 'Sander' Piccolo protein Skimmer and 'Exotic Marine Fishes' by Axelrod, still plastic wrapped - 1988 edition!)

i bought my orca 450 at christmas, absolutely lovin it!
yet to put fish in it as had a few dofficulties along the way! so i only have my cuc! lol
could be worth checking my thread about it in this same section, lots of advice on the 450, and problem solving! :rolleyes:
I read your thread Leeroy before I bought the Orca this week.

Really vital info in there. After reading the thread I had a good think whether I'd be up to the challenge - and then bought it.

I have no rush, so I can take my time and learn all that I can whilst setting it up.

it's great that you're in no rush. I believe that any marine newbie like myself should take as long as possible before setting up their tank, as there is an endless amount of information out there and there's always more to learn from it! good luck
ye agreed, same here, i thought that as a beginner im not guna rush into it, jus take my time n do it properly!
have come accross a few probs on the way, but nothing that hasn't been resolved with the help of the pple on here :good:
n im def not regrettin goin marine, though it might be too difficult at first after only ever having tropical, but im actually really enjoying all the problem solving and modifying of the tank!!!!!! lol, it will all be worth it ;)
Think I'm looking forward to the challenges of modifying the tank as much as I am adding the livestock!!!

:hi: to the salty side Mark.

If I may suggest, head on over to the nano section and have a look there as well. A bunch of folks using that tank now, seems to be recently popular :)
Thanks SkiFletch. Will do. So much info on the Orca 450 here - almost seems there'll be no excuse for getting things wrong...

Not tempting fate SkiFletch. English irony sir; I know if anyone will get it wrong despite good instruction, it'll be me!!!

Have just pulled the tank out the box for the first time since I bought it. Looks good; exciting times. I'll be getting things going from the middle of next week...

Well, I've spent a bit of time setting up my sons small tropical freshwater tank over the last few days, but have now started to work on the tl450. I've got some work to do before I begin though; I bought second hand and there are always pro's and con's. One of the lights needs replacing and I've had to do a bit of work on a defective hinge on the hood.

Tank completey encrusted in dried salt etc. It's hard to clean a tank this dirty when you can't use any detergents or chemicals!

I'm not complaining though - it'll be a nice little restoration project, before modifying even begins - and then I may enjoy the end result even more.


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