Apple Snails Praise


New Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Hampshire, UK
On day 19 of its fishless cycle I felt it was okay (according to the test results) to introduce some livestock into my sons 35l tank. I went for two medium sized Golden Apple snails.

And what a good choice they've been 72 hours in. I don't think they are boring at all and it has been really interesting to watch them move around the tank etc. I'm not sure if I have a male and a female, although they have spent a portion of each day stuck to one another!
I'd be removing any eggs though as I don't want any more and wouldn't have room for any more.

I plan on introducing some fish this weekend.

You can sell the youngens on if you want :good: pay for the upkeep of the tank. Who ever says snails are boring should be shot In my tank I have Ramshorns, Malaysian trumpets, pond snails and assassin snails which are by far the coolest snail going!
i have some apple snails in a tank of their own. i am hoping to breed them and pretty much give them away on this site to anyone who wants them

i think they are great
Yep, they are great. Mine seem to come alive more at around 4pm and are quite active until it's too dark to see what's happening in the tank.

That is a lot of snails Saltynay! I'd not previously heard of Assassin snails...

There are only small numbers of each and the tank is well planted, just had a quick glance and can only see 4 on show but the rest are in there blended into the aquascape and diligently clearing the algae.
i too have two gold apple snails, and they are quite interesting! i have had them for six days now and most of the time they are actively moving, and sometimes they will climb the glass and when they get to the surface they will detach and actually glide across the tank, they will even steer themselfs to get where they want, i think that they are cooler than my guppies :rolleyes:
saltynay Posted Mar 19 2009, 01:05 PM
You can sell the youngens on if you want pay for the upkeep of the tank. Who ever says snails are boring should be shot In my tank I have Ramshorns, Malaysian trumpets, pond snails and assassin snails which are by far the coolest snail going!

uhm, dont assasin snails kill other snails? Thats how they get their name... right?
Got home last night and found eggs from my Apple snails. I am very excited, I believe I'll have to wait 2 - 4 weeks from them to hatch, will keep you all updated. I've only had them a month, yipee :hyper:
I've only seen mine climb the glass/my plants and then let go and gracefully glide back down to the gravel a couple of times Balapickerel - but I observed this behaviour a lot in my LFS before I purchased them. It looks great.

Mine are still going strong after 8 days (they were the first livestock I introduced to the tank) and one of them has visibly grown bigger. It has dug two quite large holes in the gravel substrate and even moved a small piece of Mopani wood out the way...

Hi Guy's, I got home last night and witnessed Another snail laying eggs, so I have two clutches of eggs. There was also a pair of snails wrapped round each other :blush: My tank must be at ideal breeding conditions for them, or I'm just darn lucky. I wonder if there will be a third clutch. Watch this space. :hyper:
Hi Guy's, I got home last night and witnessed Another snail laying eggs, so I have two clutches of eggs. There was also a pair of snails wrapped round each other :blush: My tank must be at ideal breeding conditions for them, or I'm just darn lucky. I wonder if there will be a third clutch. Watch this space. :hyper:

can i ask what your comditions are . ie temp, food, etc

Hi Guy's, I got home last night and witnessed Another snail laying eggs, so I have two clutches of eggs. There was also a pair of snails wrapped round each other :blush: My tank must be at ideal breeding conditions for them, or I'm just darn lucky. I wonder if there will be a third clutch. Watch this space. :hyper:

can i ask what your comditions are . ie temp, food, etc


It's a Community 120ltr aquarium. With live plants. I'm maxed out fish wise, I'm looking to re-home my two female moonlight Gourami's to bring it down to the right levels. Temp wise, opps this is going to be embarrising :blush: the red line is bang in the middle of the green indicator on the thermometer. I feed my fish a mixture of flake, bloodworms and pellets, but only once a day. Sorry I can't give you any stats at the moment. I don't have any substrate, just a few stones, bogwood and potted plants. I water change every week or so and syphon, using aquasafe. There's usually not much to suck up because the snails do such a good job, even though they drop little bombs from time to time. The light is only on from around 5.30pm and then gets swiched off at 7.30am. Can't think of anything else, but please feel free to ask, and I'll double check the temp tonight. Oh I feel such a fool :blush: :blush:
ok thanks.

that helps, i want to try to get mine to breed. they are in a tank all by themselves
Yep, snails are great! Never thought I'd be saying that heh.
First got some pond snails that hitchhiked on some plants we bought.
There were only 4 of them, and even though they laid eggs, those babies never survived. They were great little snails to watch though and they were wonderful algae eaters.
Some of the new plants we got a few days ago have small little slimy spots on them w/ snail eggs so hoping we'll get more. Think pond snails are my fav so far.

We then got 3 apple snails and got trumpet snails for free from Petsmart (just ask for them).

The apple snails did a SUPER job cleaning up left over food and grew super quickly. The female of the group laid 3 different clutches?
1 of them hatched, but the other 2 never did. And none of the baby snails survived. All of the apple snails have died, but I'd like to get more eventually.

Now the trumpet snails... BOY their population has exploded!! Specially in our 5 gallon and 29 gallon tank. I have no idea why there are so many in the 5 gallon since that tank def does not get overfed (1 female betta). In the 29gal, I can understand b/c I do overfeed that tank a bit. They are ALL over the place in that tank.. and once we get our 120 going and cycled. The clown loaches we plan on getting will surely like their snail snacks they get heh.

I'd love to get those red ones.. ramshorn?

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