Single Pleco Only?


New Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Hampshire, UK
Hi. I have a spare 55L tank which I am thinking of setting up to house just a single Pleco. Just wondered if this would be fair to the fish? Are there species of Pleco that would be fine all by themselves as opposed to having the company of other Plecos/fish?

If so, which ones?

Also, am I right in thinking that the biggest single specimen I could have in a 55L (more cubed than rectangular) tank would be around 8" in length?


Hi. I have a spare 55L tank which I am thinking of setting up to house just a single Pleco. Just wondered if this would be fair to the fish? Are there species of Pleco that would be fine all by themselves as opposed to having the company of other Plecos/fish?

If so, which ones?

Also, am I right in thinking that the biggest single specimen I could have in a 55L (more cubed than rectangular) tank would be around 8" in length?



8 inch plec in a 55l tank ? What are the dimensions?

first plecs coming to mind are clown, L129 and bristlnose of all you could probably get away with 2 with sufficient filtration and specific needs :)
Thanks. The tank is 16"x20"x18". It's cube shaped. Think I worked that out as 57 litres...

Then an 8 inch plec is completely out of the question IMO , stick with a smaller species like a clown or L129 possibley a bristlenose as i said above :)

Thanks Jen. I'll forget the 8" idea then - I was thinking more of tank volume rather than tank length I guess...

I'll look at the smaller species of Plec's.

Thanks Jen. I'll forget the 8" idea then - I was thinking more of tank volume rather than tank length I guess...

I'll look at the smaller species of Plec's.


No probs m8, theres plenty of smaller species to chose from anyways have a look at the pinned topic on the pleco section "plecs under 8 inch" should be a few to choose from there :)


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