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  1. T

    Golden Marbeled Angels

    I used to have a marbled angel that seemed to despise my wife. Whenever she walked past the tank, he would flare his fins and attack the glass. She didn't like him too much.
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    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    A certain store in my area used to keep the bettas in the little plastic bags in which they were shipped until they expired. Ocassionally, rather than let them perish in the bag, they would release six or eight of them into a tank to fight to the death. I contacted the SPCA and almost...
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    Big Tank Vs Lil Tanks...

    Go for the bigger tank...always. As to your question regarding manipulating your fiance, well, far be it from me to advise the more intelligent sex on that one. If you do find something that works, please post back. My wife has drawn a line on aquariums that I would love to erase.
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    What Schooling Fish?

    Looking at your stock, it seems like the lower-middle of the tank might be where you want to be adding fish. Any of the tetras mentioned above would fill the space well. I'm a fan of harlequin rasboras, too, which have some decent coloration, are fairly cheap, and will fill the same space of...
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    Tankmates For An Albino Red Tailed Shark

    Thritto. I would get rid of the shark and then you will have several options for stocking your ten gallon.
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    Ecks Vs. Severum

    OoOoOoOo!!! I like that! Excellent suggestion! Thank you!
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    Help With Water Clarity

    Personally, I like the Marineland power filters, but many swear by AquaClear, which you can get atBig Al's, which is one of my favorite online stores. The main difference is that the filter you purchased doesn't really have a consistent biological filter. When you remove the filter pad, you...
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    Ecks Vs. Severum

    I have danios with my fancy goldfish and I only see them chasing one another. They're just such annoying fish. lol Thanks for all the information.
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    Tiger Barbs

    I've never seen tiger barbs all torn up like that. While it's true that they are all-around anuses, they should not be getting beaten up that badly. I would advise you to get them somewhere else.
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    Fin Color (help!)

    Don't feel bad. Once a person reads one of my posts, they have a hard time pulling themselves away from the wealth of knowledge and genius. <---joke
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    This Is A New One....rant

    Absolutely. It seemed redundant to verbally assault such a stupid contraption, as it has already been done so eloquently above.
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    Funny Feeling - Advice Needed!

    When you say a bag of new pebbles, do you mean that you replaced the substrate?
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    Help With Water Clarity

    How long do you go between water changes? Are you making sure that all food is eaten? What type of filter do you have?
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    This Is A New One....rant

    I think it's a brilliant idea. Not only is it attractive, but it solves the problem of having to get a heater for the betta "bowl". Just turn the coffee pot on and, voila, nice warm tropical environment.
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    Getting A Betta...

    I've never seen that before, bronzecat. As I started reading your post I thought ">>>profanity<<< I should have been more specific about what kind of tetra!", but after having read it completely, I see those which I would have said were fine, have caused problems. That's news to me.
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    Any Guesses On What Plants Theses Are?

    The first one looks like Hygrophila corymbosa (also called compact hygro). It is an aquatic plant and will do quite well in the proper conditions. The second has already been addressed. Get that puppy outta there! The third plant looks like Ludwigia palustris (also called narrow leaf...
  17. T

    Blood Parrot Chasing The Other

    Agreed. Also make sure that you have plenty of "territories" set up in your tank. Cichlids like to carve out their own little areas and defend them. If your decor is insufficient, then they claim the whole tank, which will increase aggression. If you already have a lot of separated space...
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    Fin Color (help!)

    Surely there's a more tactful way to get this point across. With respect to your obviously vast knowledge, ReMz, I take issue with this portion of the post. As loraxchick stated, there are other explanations. Antibiotic treatment should be used only when one is certain it is needed. My...
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    Help With Water Clarity

    What type of sand are you using? I find that, generally, my water will be a bit cloudy after a cleaning. However, in my aquarium which contains artificially colored white sand, the water will stay cloudy for quite some time.
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    Getting A Betta...

    K3lly, First, congratulations on getting engaged. The fact that your fiancee will tolerate fish is a good start to a healthy marriage. You seem to be headed toward the five gallon setup for the betta alone, which is certainly a good one. I would be remiss, however, if I didn't say that...
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    Dracula Fish

    That's a face I'm not even sure a mother could love.
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    What Next ?

    Hi, Brad.H. This probably isn't going to answer your question as you want to hear it, but it's the only way I can answer it in good conscience. The first thing you need to do is determine the cause of your new additions' deaths. It may be a fish, but it's much more likely, considering your...
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    Ecks Vs. Severum

    Thanks for the reply, Faythee. I'm currently debating between rams and apistos. The store where I bought the angels had what they called "blue head agazzi", which, from what I can tell, is a. borelli. They were next to the juvenile blue dempseys and some had jumped over into the tank and...
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    Blue Rams And Sand

    Agreed. I've kept rams on gravel and they have lived, but not nearly as well as they do with sand. If you have the means to make the switch, I would do it.
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    Ecks Vs. Severum

    Well, I went to the pet store and stared at the juvenile blue dempseys for upwards of 20 minutes. I decided I just couldn't do it. At $40 for a fish that may turn out very attractive, or my turn out very ugly, I couldn't take the gamble. I also looked for the Sajicas, but they didn't stock...
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    Best Bottom Feeder For 30 Gallon?

    The Panda Cory would be my preference as well. The chain loaches would be a good choice, too, as they stay quite small. I would agree that a group of 6 would be best as these fish prefer the company of their own kind.
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    Betta Tattoo

    Oh that's flippin' awesome!!!
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    Question On Filter Output Flow

    I don't know that the output on your filter has all that much to do with your issue. What model is the filter and what size is the aquarium? Unless you are severly over-filtering, I can't imagine that's your problem. While fish tend to stay in certain regions, there is certainly no invisible...
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    Betta Tattoo

    How about something like this?
  30. betta_avatar.jpg


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    A Couple Pics Of My Mollies

    Those are some nice pictures you have there. Your orange male is quite a looker. I'd bet he gets all the ladies.
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    Flake Food

    Think of him like a little kid that doesn't want to eat his veggies. You just have to force the issue. Pellets are usually accepted more readily, especially those made by hikari specifically for bettas. I've rarely had a betta turn its nose up at those for very long.
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    Ecks Vs. Severum

    I like those pretty well. What concerns me is what prolific breeders they are. I live about 40 miles from the nearest pet store and can't go there regularly. I've been poking around for something different (I've always kept angels and like them very much, but I really am hoping to try...
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    Female Bettas And...

    Hi MewMew42, I, unfortunately, see several problems with this. Female bettas are typically not much better together than males. The only way this typically works is if you have a pretty large tank and go with 5 or more females so the aggression is spread out. In a 10 gallon, there is no room...
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    New Fish...

    Nice lookin' fish! I say Valcor and Fleur.
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    Plants That Will Survive In A Cichlid Aquarium

    Very good thread to have. Well done. Assuming you're referring to plants that will survive mbuna, I've heard numerous accounts of java moss faring extremely poorly. Other than that, what you've posted seems on par with what I've read.
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    I Gotta Question That I Can't Answer Myself

    I'll second the motion for a five gallon aquarium. I think people believe bettas are lethargic and, thus, don't require an aquarium of any size. The fact is that bettas are usually lethargic because they are kept in teeny tiny amounts of water. If you pop a betta in a 55 gallon tank, you'll...
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    What Are My Sharks Doing?

    They is fightin', TLPTrip. Rainbow Sharks and Redtail Sharks are closely related and it's recommended that, with either type, you keep a single specimen in a tank as they are not really friendly with their own kind.
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    Ecks Vs. Severum

    It's currently a hodgepodge of what was left after a majorly stupid mistake. I added some river rock that I had found and which evidentally had some sort of toxin despite major cleaning. The tank suffered major losses. So I currently have 2 little-girl-bettas, 5 pearl gouramis (4 soon...
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    Ecks Vs. Severum

    Thanks for the advice. I have never seen an attractive dwarf rainbow, but I hear they color up as they get older. It's good to read another endorsement. Honesty is the best policy...except when it isn't what I want to hear. Thank you for the input. That being the case, it sounds like I'd be...