Blood Parrot Chasing The Other


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
So, I just purchased two blood parrots about a week ago. They are cute and slowly are starting to come out, especially when I feed. One of the slightly larger parrot always seems to mess with and chase the other blood parrot. The other parrot doesnt seem to be too bothered, but I dont know if this is normal?
As I type this message, they are out and the darn blood parrot always goes after the smaller one at times.
Its not unusal for cichlids to act like this. IF the smaller one isn't getting to beat up and is not showing signs of stress they should be ok.
I ended up adding another blood parrot, so now I have three to reduce the stress of the smaller one. I noticed now the parot is instead chasing the new one I added, and leaving the other one alone more often.
Sometimes taking out the fish and rearranging the decor and placing the fish back in can reduce aggression.
Agreed. Also make sure that you have plenty of "territories" set up in your tank. Cichlids like to carve out their own little areas and defend them. If your decor is insufficient, then they claim the whole tank, which will increase aggression. If you already have a lot of separated space, and rearranging doesn't work, it could be that your parrot is just a rectum.
I do notice that the one aggressive parrot hangs out at the bottom underneath the rock. and that certainly is his terriroty. I might move decorations around a bit, but I kno I dont want to spend more $$ on decorations! I already spent too much on these fish.
No need to buy more deco. Just use the stuff you got but just rearrange it. You can use rocks and terra cotta pot as well. They are very good caves.
Well right now I have a big large decoration, wherethe smaller parrot hides inside. The larger hides underneath, and then there is another fake driftwood that sits on its side where a fish can go inside. Maybe I will take a picture so everyone can see.

By the way, thanks for the quick replies.

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