Golden Marbeled Angels


Fish Herder
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
london UK
i just wanted to say about my new pair of angels, whenever i come to the room they swim to the front of the tank and i swear to god one smiles at me

they are the coolest fish

anyone else got fish that recognise you? cause mine dont do it with me sister hehe!
Heh! Yeah my discus come rushing to the front of the tank whenever I come into the room (probably because of the possibility of food) but they don't do it for my husband!
Heh! Yeah my discus come rushing to the front of the tank whenever I come into the room (probably because of the possibility of food) but they don't do it for my husband!

haha nice yeh my tetras go nuts wheni turn the light on cause they know there food init but they do that for everyone
no no sorry but i will get some there just that cool one is wierd cause it looks bruised on one side but otherwise healthy and its bottom lip is black the curved shape creats a smile :)
I used to have a marbled angel that seemed to despise my wife. Whenever she walked past the tank, he would flare his fins and attack the glass. She didn't like him too much.

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