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    Fluval Aquarium Looking For A Silent Air Pump

    ive owned alot of air pumps and they were all super annoying, i run canister filters on my tank so to get the tank aerated i put a fluval powerhead in just to break the water surface, it extremely quiet but just remember to maintain it or they plug up over time
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    Diy Plywood Tank Coating

    that monsterfish post is full of great info, ty for that... what type of kitchen surfacer, i tried google for products and got a lot of dif things. some looked great but didnt really give much decription on how the work. hows it holding up?   my old epoxy coated tank, Still holding up strong...
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    Diy Plywood Tank Coating

    eyy everyone, so starting a new 800g tank build soon. just wondering what the diy people are using these day for a surface coating. on my old 460g tank i coated the plywood with fiberglass resin then pond armour but due to the price i would like to try something different. i built a storage tank...
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    Red Devil X Pink Convict

    looked in my tank today and found my female pink convict and my male red just bred. has anyone bred these together before, just looking for some insight on what they might look like when they get some size
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    "hello" Flowerhorn

    id love to have a nice fh, to bad o pet stores can get them where i live
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    300 Gal Cichlid Tank

    yup, two zebras and a ventus, babies are gone. the three of theme were extremely aggie in my other tanks hahaha yeaht the covincing is the hardest part
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    Red Jack, Hybrid ?

    on my 77 gal i currently run a fluval 405 and a emperor 400 which works well together, i toss all my charcole in the emperor so its nice and easy to change up or remove. ive got a couple fuval 4plus internal filters that work awsome. gotta clean em once every week or two or they will plug up...
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    Red Jack, Hybrid ?

    i tried the fx5 about 3 years back on one of my other tanks but had to replace it twice. the store i bought it from said it wasnt the first to come back. and yeah once some of my smaller fish get a bit bigger they will have to be moved to another tank forsure
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    Red Jack, Hybrid ?

    i change it up everyone and a while but the current setup is... 3 fluval 405s, a 10 gall bioball wet/dry and a 70 gal overflow
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    Red Jack, Hybrid ?

    the only fish that are agressive at all is my red zebras and some times my green terror who seems to suffer from little man syndrom. other than that the most aggy ive ever had were a pair of firemouths who hated everyone and my current parrot fish
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    Red Jack, Hybrid ?

    in my 300 currently Jack Dempsy - 2 Severum - 2 oscar- 1 frontosa - 1 ob zebras - 2 ventus - 1 green terror - 1 convict - 1 midas - 2 jewel - 1 pleco - 3 salvini - 1 jaguar - 1 mixed babies ?
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    What Nw Cichlids Have You All Owned?

    NW oscar severum salvini midas green terror texas trimac convict jaguar parrot buffalo head ram angels firemouth geophagus jack dempsey electric jack AF common africans - to many to list jewel kribensis frontosa some may be out of place been looking for a synspilum for the past couple years...
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    Red Jack, Hybrid ?

    my 10 inch male just mated with one of my pink convicts and there was no probs at all, only fish ive ever had aggression probs with in the 300 gal is zebra africans, for what ever reason there non stop aggressive, all my other fish arent agressive at all. well except my oscar who attacks the...
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    Red Jack, Hybrid ?

    day two, his forhead is a bright red now. ive never seen a red jack before. im running t5 power glow bulbs the pet store has basic t8s and he was red there too.
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    Red Jack, Hybrid ?

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    Red Jack, Hybrid ?

    hey everyone, just picked up a jack today that was dropped of at the local pet store. just wondering if anyone has seen a jack like this or is it a hybrid. its much more vibrant than my current jacks.
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    Lighting, Whats Necessary

    could i run a couple t5s along side a couple normal florecent lights.
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    Coffee Table Tank

    a friend of mine has a tank like this except its a bar top, for lighting he used modified thearapy stone lighting, there fake rocks with lights in them and in a aquarium like this they look really nice. i took a quike look on google images and this is kinda what they look like
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    Lighting, Whats Necessary

    hey everyone, im looking to get lighting for my aquarium but what should i look for, the tank is a cichlid tank with no plants, 104 inches long and 24 inches wide, the local pet store recomended t5s and quoted me 600 buck which im not willing to pay, i would like to have good lighting but am...
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    Made A 3d Background, Now What?

    isnt cement suppost to be bad for fish, people always say that concrete ponds need a liner
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    Need A Epoxy Liner For My Aquarium

    prob is it has a glass front. its all wood 104x28x24 with the front being glass so a liner would not work. ive herd that some boat resins are ok to use in aquariums
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    Need A Epoxy Liner For My Aquarium

    does any one know any products i can coat my wood tank with. i ordered pond armour from their website about 16 weeks ago and still havent recieved anything from them yet and the service has been terrible. is there any other products like pond sheild
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    Aquaclear Powerheads Suck!

    petstore replaced it with a fluval powerhead, its submersible
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    Aquaclear Powerheads Suck!

    my 4th aquaclear 70 powerhead in a about 18 months just kicked the bucket. they have the stupid waterline setup on them and if a little water evaporates from the tank you have to adjust them, i had two die last year from the water level slightly dropping so the third one i had gotten i decided...
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    Bioballs - How Much To Use

    i built a trickle tank that would be capable of holding about 20 gallons ( guess i never mentioned it was for trickle.. sorry ) but just looking for an idea on what others have used, i also noticed that the local hardware store sells hagen biomax for a fraction of what the pet stores sell it...
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    Bioballs - How Much To Use

    1 gal bucket filled to the top, thats how most of them are sold. im going to be running my pair of fluval 405s with the balls for the first while
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    Bioballs - How Much To Use

    hey everyone, im setting up my new tank and jsut wanted to know how much bioballs i should use in my trickle setup, the local petstore sells them for $15 a gallon. there is about 300 gallons of water to be filtered. thanks
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    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    did you use silicone to adhere the glass, im just finnishing my 265 gall thats made from wood and some people where i live suggested a polyurathane product. i got the inside of the tank coated wth a layer of fiberglass mat and resin as an extra incase the pond armour does ever leak and am going...
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    Anyone Know What This Chiclid Is

    yeah so the savinis must go as there starting to get a little bigger there getting alot more aggressive, i noticed this morning that my perfectly healthy firemouth was fighting with the salvini, the fire mouth WAS three times bigger than the salvini yet the salvini killed him by the time i got...
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    Plywood Tank Build Questions

    i thought of doing a wood aquarium, heres the layout i was going to use, the only thing extra i was going to do was add a single layer of fiberglass mat and resin under the epoxy so if the epoxy were to leak it would not rot the wood. what epoxy were you going to use. 8x2x2 240 gal
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    Brick In A Tank?

    def a bad idea, you cant make brick with out chemicals.
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    Steel Aquarium

    well i thought about wood but i plan on setting the aquarium in my livingroom on a stand and not in wall, the wood would take alot of effort to make look decent where as the metal is thin and the powdercoat would give a nice glossy finnish inside and out. however if it the aquarium was in the...
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    Steel Aquarium

    yeah ive thought about using stainless, ill price it up when the shop is open. i was also thinking i could just coat the inside with the pond liner stuff
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    Steel Aquarium

    i havent found an aquarium this size for under 2k and im yet to find any reputable companies to build a tank, i have found a petstore about an hour away that can get me a marineland 265 gal for 2k plus shiping to there store but they dont insure the shipping so if it get broken in its travel its...
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    Steel Aquarium

    click to enlarge
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    Steel Aquarium

    the only reason i am wanting to use glass is for scratch resistance, it does not happen often but every once and a while my oscar or my jack with freek out and slam ornaments against the glass, but the acrylic on the other hand can easily be drilled and bolted to the steel
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    Steel Aquarium

    im not sure what is in the powedercoat but i can find out, the powdercoat he is using is common black that he uses for automotive puposes like frames and suspension parts. the reason i thought powdercoat would be best is becouse of durabillity and the abuse it can take without chipping
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    Steel Aquarium

    i called around today and there is a guy locally that will media blast and powdercoat the inside of the tank for 200 or 250 for inside and out, the powdercoat should disgared any worries of rust or corrosion, i think :unsure: if so im only looking at a little over $1000