Red Jack, Hybrid ?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2009
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hey everyone, just picked up a jack today that was dropped of at the local pet store. just wondering if anyone has seen a jack like this or is it a hybrid. its much more vibrant than my current jacks.




Its either a really nice black JD or Its got some firemouth or Salvini in it, either way... nice fish :)

BTW what size tank is that? cos i see you have a beautiful Midas and a Green Terror on top of your sig stock!
Its either a really nice black JD or Its got some firemouth or Salvini in it, either way... nice fish :)

BTW what size tank is that? cos i see you have a beautiful Midas and a Green Terror on top of your sig stock!

Looks like a JD that has great color. I don't think it's a mix.
I thought that, i just never seen red on a JD.

Deffo no Texas in it, Texas x JD usually look like deformed Texas.
That Midas is going to kill most of that tank if it breeds with any of the other Cichlids.
day two, his forhead is a bright red now. ive never seen a red jack before. im running t5 power glow bulbs the pet store has basic t8s and he was red there too.


That Midas is going to kill most of that tank if it breeds with any of the other Cichlids.

my 10 inch male just mated with one of my pink convicts and there was no probs at all, only fish ive ever had aggression probs with in the 300 gal is zebra africans, for what ever reason there non stop aggressive, all my other fish arent agressive at all. well except my oscar who attacks the glass when i get to close :p never had probs with any of my midas, personally i find there aggression over rated
in my 300 currently

Jack Dempsy - 2
Severum - 2
oscar- 1
frontosa - 1
ob zebras - 2
ventus - 1
green terror - 1
convict - 1
midas - 2
jewel - 1
pleco - 3
salvini - 1
jaguar - 1
mixed babies ?
Wow, interesting mix of aggressive cichlids, and a gorgeous JD :hyper:

How well do they tend to get on with GT's? I have a female...

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