Red Jack, Hybrid ?

the only fish that are agressive at all is my red zebras and some times my green terror who seems to suffer from little man syndrom. other than that the most aggy ive ever had were a pair of firemouths who hated everyone and my current parrot fish
a fx5 would work wonders on that tank.

It is stupidly overstocked, but i like it haha.
i tried the fx5 about 3 years back on one of my other tanks but had to replace it twice. the store i bought it from said it wasnt the first to come back. and yeah once some of my smaller fish get a bit bigger they will have to be moved to another tank forsure
What filtration do you use on that beast of a tank?

i change it up everyone and a while but the current setup is...

3 fluval 405s, a 10 gall bioball wet/dry and a 70 gal overflow


I have a FX5 to go on my tank, but I am unsure whether this is going to be enough to be honest. As you know with such messy fish, filtration is paramount.
I'll have to see how I get on, and up it if necessary. I could always get a good internal if I can't fit another external on.
on my 77 gal i currently run a fluval 405 and a emperor 400 which works well together, i toss all my charcole in the emperor so its nice and easy to change up or remove. ive got a couple fuval 4plus internal filters that work awsome. gotta clean em once every week or two or they will plug up, but thats a good thing. just dont rely on them for airation, i lost a couple fish with that mistake

just a personal opinion but the aquaclear internals suck

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