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    Not An Emergency, But Having Ph Problems.

    as the taffy apple suggested, i left out some important info. Here's the long of it. The tank has been running for around 3.5 years. The pH was never really stable, when I was starting out, I tried to control it and keep it close to 7. Never really got above 7.2 or below 6.8. I was living in a...
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    Not An Emergency, But Having Ph Problems.

    I've been struggling to keep the pH in my tank anywhere close to 7 since I set it up. It's never been above the low 6's. I had some trouble recently so I tested and it was off the charts on the low side. I got Tetra Correct pH 7.0, and added the specified number of tablets, 3 for my 30 gallon...
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    Anyone Know What These Are?

    Can anyone identify this awesome little trio? Pretty Cool.
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    Video Of Fish Pairing Off

    Worked for me, I thought it was awesome! Thanks for sharing!!! Really!!
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    Which Plant Is This?

    You might be right about the flowering, sly. I got a lot of flowers. But this plant was definitely a relatively fast grower. I found it on and am gonna place an order soon. Now that I think about it more, the bulb was a big round one, not slender.
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    Which Plant Is This?

    Tiger lotus is exactly it! Thank you soooooo much!! :D :D :D :D Google confirmed it!
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    Which Plant Is This?

    I had a plant in my tank some time ago, which I grew from a bulb. It died off at a time when I was getting lackadaisical about caring for my aquarium. I'd love to get it again, and now that I've found, seems to be just a matter of figuring out its name. It had red, arrow...
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    My 30 Gallon Freshwater

    The loaches are 2-3" right now, I'm reading that they can reach 5-7", so I don't really want more. Availability is also an issue.
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    My 30 Gallon Freshwater

    Here it is, Let me know what ya think! 9 Black Widow Tetra/2 Veil Tetra 2 Ladder Loaches 1 Opaline Gourami 1 Albino Plec 2 P. Pulcher Hope you like it! EDIT: Could anyone please ID my plants for me? Thanks!
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    Opaline Gourami Problem

    betta + gourami = incompatible one of them has to go. I've kept a gourami and an angel before, I basically was just growing out the angel for a friend, it got to about 6-7" tall before I gave it to him.
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    Female Krib In Trouble

    This is the best I could manage. The bad eye is on the other side, but she wouldn't turn!
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    Female Krib In Trouble

    My female krib(aka p. Pulcher) seems to have some kind of abrasion on one of her eyes. It's also a little cloudy, possibly because of the abrasion. I'll try for a few pics, but she's being quite shy right now. Is there anything I can do? Will she heal on her own? She hasn't stopped eating, but...
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    Nutrient Testing?

    Can anyone recommend a good test kit for aquarium nutrients?
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    Kribensis has been used to describe many species. Around here, most people refer to Pelvicachromis Pulcher when they mention kribensis/kribs. I believe this is what you have.
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    Whats Best For Caves...................

    Get some rocks from the woods. Clean them with hot water and a clean brush. Arrange in cave shape. Repeat as necessary.
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    Can I Remove My Airline?

    That's just plain old bamboo. I'm not sure of the exact type; I got it at petco lol The airline is coming out today! Will post back later to let you all know how it goes. This page finally pushed me to make this thread.
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    Can I Remove My Airline?

    I've read here and other places that you don't necessarily need an airline/stone etc if you have enough surface movement in your tank. So what do you guys think? Can I ditch mine? yes these pics are terrible. Thanks for your help, this place is awesome! :-) :good: :good: :good:
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    Water Drums / Barrels

    Home depot sells 5 gal buckets. They're cheap and i use them for my water changes. Home depot
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    I'm sorry but this is simply not true. I started with 3 kribs in my tank, a pair and a juvi male. I then got 2 more- another pair. The 2 original adults had paired and bred, but after adding the new ones and fully rescaping, they broke up(actually the orig male broke up with her, the new babe...
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    My buddy's got a species tank that's smaller than mine, he must have 15 or 20 of these guys varying in size from full grown adults to month old juveniles. Whenever there's a brood, some fry get eaten, but once they're big enough they're fine. He's not had a fish die yet.
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    I've got 6 kribs (3 mature females, 2 mature males, and 1 juvenile male) in my tank with an opaline gourami, 4 oto cats and 3 black widow tetras. I've got a ton of slate and other flat rocks arranged to divide the tank up with many hiding places. there are 2 pairs in there that are gonna...
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    Kribinsis Adivce

    I have an opaline gourami and an altum angel in with my kribs, they do get chased a bit, but nothing terrible or tragic.
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    Will Kribs Ever "un-pair"?

    In my tank, I had 2 adult kribs and a juvenile. the 2 adults paired up and bred. Then, a few months later I added 2 more adults and 1 more juvenile. I now have 3 male and 3 female. The original male paired up with the new female and the original female paired with the new male. Interesting to...