

Fish Fanatic
May 6, 2009
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So getting a pair of kribs tommorow to finish off my tank stock. Right now it has 6 harlequin, 5 peppered corys, 4 guppies and a rubbernose pleco. So I'm going to hope to breed the kribs I already have 2 fry tanks set up ready to go (one is for guppy fry and other will be for kribs unless I got no guppy fry at the time) Now with that stocking set up could I keep more than the 2 kribs in there? Such as one of their offspring or is pretty much a pair of kribs in a tank the limit?
As kribensis12 said - it's best to have one pair per tank. This is simply because when they are breeding they get quite territorial and aggressive and having 2 breeding pairs in one tank at once could be asking for trouble... :)
I've got 6 kribs (3 mature females, 2 mature males, and 1 juvenile male) in my tank with an opaline gourami, 4 oto cats and 3 black widow tetras.

I've got a ton of slate and other flat rocks arranged to divide the tank up with many hiding places.

there are 2 pairs in there that are gonna breed. Their hiding places are on opposite sides of the tank. the other 2 kribs get chased sometimes, but overall the tank is happy.

It's a 30 gal tank.
^ That really isnt a smart Idea. Kribs don't like sharing space. I have kept a pair in a 30g, and then 1 Juvi. The Juvi was killed and eaten 20 mins after introduction. Kribs are to agressive for the stocking your attempting. You tank is also poorely stocked. The Gourami needs really clean water. The oto's will be killed and eaten by the kribs( they don't share the bottom of the tank, ever), and the Tetra's need to be in big groups. The kribs will also eat the tetra's if given the chance. If I were you, I would stock like this:

1m/1f Kribs. 1 or 2 Bristle nosed Pleco's ( won't get killed or tortured by the kribs). Maybe something like 8 Lemon Tetra's or something like that.
The best thing to do is to put 1 male and 2-3 females so aggressions spreads between species :
oto`s will be fine do not worry about them!!!

tried and works

in wild they live in groups and pair up only while in breeding season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they do not pair up for live - so buying breeding pair of kribs and paying more for them is nonsense

and if you put to the tank 2-3 females and 1 male the aggression will spread in species while breeding!!!!

tested and works like charm

kribensis12 - you have probably put 2 males different sizes and smaller died + 1 male 2/3 females minimum and so on 2males 5-6 females, need to have loads of cover for females to hide during pair/pairs are breeding

if this is community tank it will save you other fishes from being attacked by kribs - i was going to get rid of mine until i tried this way and it worked

My buddy's got a species tank that's smaller than mine, he must have 15 or 20 of these guys varying in size from full grown adults to month old juveniles. Whenever there's a brood, some fry get eaten, but once they're big enough they're fine. He's not had a fish die yet.
Kribs can get Extremely aggressive when mating =/ so it will stress alot of fish out =/
in wild they live in groups and pair up only while in breeding season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they do not pair up for live - so buying breeding pair of kribs and paying more for them is nonsense

and if you put to the tank 2-3 females and 1 male the aggression will spread in species while breeding!!!!

tested and works like charm

kribensis12 - you have probably put 2 males different sizes and smaller died + 1 male 2/3 females minimum and so on 2males 5-6 females, need to have loads of cover for females to hide during pair/pairs are breeding

if this is community tank it will save you other fishes from being attacked by kribs - i was going to get rid of mine until i tried this way and it worked


Im sorry, but thats false. I had a smaller female. Not a male. They killed the thing and ate it. I've breed kribs for several years, and have never had a male pair up with more than one female. The other females always get bullied to the point of me having to seperate the fish. In the wild, they pair up, and stay like that for life. So, just because yours bred with more than one female, doesnt mean that the rest of the worlds kribs do that.

For example, I had 8 angels in a 30g tank( for pairing off purposes). I had a male breed with 2 different females. Now, I had a talk with John( Tolak) and he told me it happens, but it is rare. So, isnt it possible that yours are in the same boat as my angels?
I totally agree with kribensis12 - Kribs do pair for life and mine were murderous when breeding to everything but bristlenose.
I totally agree with kribensis12 - Kribs do pair for life and mine were murderous when breeding to everything but bristlenose.

I'm sorry but this is simply not true. I started with 3 kribs in my tank, a pair and a juvi male. I then got 2 more- another pair. The 2 original adults had paired and bred, but after adding the new ones and fully rescaping, they broke up(actually the orig male broke up with her, the new babe was an old cougar :rolleyes: ). The orig male went with the new female.
I totally agree with kribensis12 - Kribs do pair for life and mine were murderous when breeding to everything but bristlenose.

I'm sorry but this is simply not true. I started with 3 kribs in my tank, a pair and a juvi male. I then got 2 more- another pair. The 2 original adults had paired and bred, but after adding the new ones and fully rescaping, they broke up(actually the orig male broke up with her, the new babe was an old cougar :rolleyes: ). The orig male went with the new female.

Yankee, what your describing is really common. Sometimes the male or female will think thier other partener is not fit to be their mate anymore. Or one is trying to take care of the brood, so the other breaks the bond. Then they find a new female. What gzylo is suggesting is that the male will breed with one female, go off and breed with another, and then come back and breed with the previous ones. They pair off. If they find the right mate, they will pair for life.
its not that sometimes kribensis wil just change female - they simply do not part of for life! they will also cross-breed between subspecies.

With other female what i was saying is that its good idea to have 1 male and 2/3females in community tank with other fish so the aggression is spread out but not breeding krib females are getting bullied most. That`s how it is in the wild they do not pair off for life they live in groups and if female is ready to breed she will pick up a male and they will breed, next time she might pick different one. Try to keep 10 kribs in one tank and see how it goes then you will change your mind.

Because they are sold as pairs and most people keep them like that and because theirs aggressive behaviour during breeding/rising fry is become well known fact that they do form pairs for life and they kill every other krib around. NOW

if you never tried do not tell me i`m wrong!!! Put 10 kribs in to the tank and watch them as they should be kept!!! best ratio is 50/50


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