Opaline Gourami Problem


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2010
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Hey just trying to get some other opinions on this one

I got what I thought was a blue gourami about a week ago, turns out it was an opaline gourami. Now this wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that this lil guy has turned aggressive in the last 3 days. He started going after my angel and now I'm scared that she is stressed. Then my betta has decided that he doesn't like the gourami..so issues going on in the tank.

At this point I think I'm going to take him back and get a dwarf gourami. Do these have the same aggression problems as the opaline? I don't mind keeping the opaline..I just don't see anyway to keep him without having to separate

any advice?
I agree that the gourami should be re-located out of the tank. I don't know if a dwarf gourami would go after a betta. But if the betta doesn't like the opaline gourami it's possible he might not like a dwarf gourami either. Unless by "doesn't like" you meant the betta runs away.
no he is chasing the gourami. Its actually funny in a weird way cuz it seems like the betta chases the gourami everytime the gourami chases the angel. I always get the weird fish. But I want a dwarf gourami because of the beautiful colors and I thought they were supposed to be very gentle
I don't think it would be a good idea to add another gourami then, he might try to attack that one too.
That really sucks :-( they are so pretty! can you recommend a good community fish then? I'm new to maintaining tropical tanks and although I've been reading a lot, I still don't know a lot about the different species. I'm looking for something with really nice colors
betta + gourami = incompatible

one of them has to go.

I've kept a gourami and an angel before, I basically was just growing out the angel for a friend, it got to about 6-7" tall before I gave it to him.
The problem with having a betta in there is that you can't really add anything else "pretty", because the betta might see it as a threat and go after it.
It's just so weird cuz I have a red severum and a blushing angel, and they all get along really well. Oh well..thank you everyone for the advice! I have absolutely no clue what I'm going to put in there..maybe I'll just get rid of the gourami and leave it alone. Was really hoping to get color in there though

thanks again :)

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