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  1. P

    Help! With Water/tank Problem

    My plants are pretty healthy.. well they were! I trim them when I do a water change when the leaves get brown but other than that they are good..there isn't too much natural sunlight on them at all. I don't know what the light wattage is..... and I have an air stone if that helps? Any other...
  2. P

    Help! With Water/tank Problem

    Hello, I need some advice! One of my fish died (a cute Corydora) which I was very sad about and I didn't know why. So I tested the water with my API master test kit and these were my results: pH: 7.6 Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: I think it's at 10 ppm (Is this my problem?) Ammonia: 0 ppm ALso my...
  3. P

    Sudden Mean Fish! Help Please

    No but I will check that and post it!
  4. P

    Sudden Mean Fish! Help Please

    Hello Everyone! Soo I just went to feed my fish and noticed one of my Penguin Tetras (Who also previously suffered from another fish eating his back fin) was hiding behind my heater and twitching really bad and the other Penguin tetra was chasing it and trying to bite it. Every time the one (I...
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    New Tank-help?

    THank you guys very much for your help! Inchworm I think I will go with the 20 gal, I believe I have the knowledge now to make it successful B-)
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    New Tank-help?

    Hey Guys, I'm thinking of setting up a new tank, I have a 15G that used to be my Gecko's tank (he died of old age) that I would have to clean out if I used that one or I found a guy that would give me a 20G long tank. Is there a big difference between the 20G long tank versus the tall (more...
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    Reassurance Needed Peppered Cory

    Mine are the same way...sometimes just chilling at the bottom laying on the rocks and other times they are darting around the tank, I think thats just how they are cause that's what I've seen people say on here also about their cories :) :)
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    Albino And Leapord Corys

    I have a couple different species together right now and they do get along and sometimes I see them close together but mostly are off on their own :)
  9. P

    How Many Cories

    Okay thanks guys. I was thinking of C. panda, some C.albino because I have one and he's super cute, and maybe adolfi but I haven't seen these or the pandas at all in any LFS around me.
  10. P

    How Many Cories

    Hey guys! I am thinking of setting up a 15 gal tank that I just found! I haven't started yet so this is purely planning... I was wondering about how many cories would be comfortable in this size tank. I have recently grown to love the cories and I want to have this tank with mainly cories in...
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    Bloodworm - Through The Gills

    Just in response to if albino cories are of mine is REALLY active, he's always swimming the length of the tank back and forth and up and down an in circles! he's crazy! haha. my other cories aren't as active, they mostly hang out on the bottom. I've wondered if the albino likes it...
  12. P

    Cleaning The Filter

    Thank you all sooo much for your help!!! I get it now! :fun: :)
  13. P

    Cleaning The Filter

    My filter hangs on the back of the fish tank, with the pump hanging down into the fish tank and pumping the water into the filter and the water flows back out into the fish tank. So my filter says on the back of the package it came in: Mechanical: Filter Mesh strains out suspended particles...
  14. P

    Am I Doing This Right?

    THank you for the reassurance :):)
  15. P

    Cleaning The Filter

    So is it not the right (most used) kind of filter? It is the one that came with the tank when I bought it... So I don't change it? Thanks for your reply, sorry I'm still confused :huh:
  16. P

    Cleaning The Filter

    I read one of the articles on the different types of filters but am still somewhat confused. I have an established tank and do weekly 25-30% water changes. I have an activated carbon filter I believe is what it's called, on the back is says to change it every 3-4 weeks but I thought the whole...
  17. P

    Adding Cories Or Not

    Thank you :)
  18. P

    Am I Doing This Right?

    Hello, fairly new here and appreciate all the info I've gotten. For water changes I am using the gravel vac to clean the bottom of the tank and I empty about 30% of the water doing so, then I fill up a bucket with water from the faucet, add the dechlorinator, stir it around, let it sit to get...
  19. P

    Can I Add More To My 12-gal Tank? If So, What?

    From what I have learned from other, more experienced, fishkeepers is that the Common Pleco needs to be in a much larger tank, such as over 100 gallons because they can reach 18 inches. Same with the Rainbow Shark needing to be in a larger tank as it reaches it's adult size and can become...
  20. P

    Adding Cories Or Not

    Hello! just found out there was a separate forum for cories! :fun: I have a 10 gal tank with 2 penguin tetras, 1 ADF and 3 cories: 1 albino, 1 julii, and 1 peppered. I just got the cories about a week ago and they are doing great, swimming around the tank and hanging out together...
  21. P

    Penguin Tetra

    Hello! Still somewhat new to keeping fish... I have a Penguin Tetra that has suffered some fin damage (back fin) from an aggressive fish, I'm not sure if this question is weird but do they grow their fins back at all? He swims kinda awkward now but is still swimming and eating but I feel bad...
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    Adding Sand For Cories

    Thank you soo much everyone for your advice!!!! It is greatly appreciated :D
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    Adding Sand For Cories

    Hey everyone I'm new here so HI. I just got 3 Corydoras :wub: (took me a while to find and are sooo cute) and I read that they prefer sand to gravel. I have gravel now, would it be okay to add sand and mix it with the gravel? Or don't bother since I have already established my tank with the...