Reassurance Needed Peppered Cory


New Member
Dec 1, 2008
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hi all i have just added two peppered corys to my tank and they are fine. well i say fine one of them seems to have a burst of energy and roots around in the gravel and stuff but then he just kinda lays there doing nothing. to be honest it looks like its dead.but then just scoots off and carries on cleaning and rooting around . while i have not noticed the other one doing the same tank water is first class
ph 7.5
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
nitrate 5
temp is 26-27
i have never kept them before so just want to be reassured thats all. probabbly worrying over nothing.
Cories do that. Mine will sit still at lunch time in a row and watch telly for half hour- Later on in the evening they dart all over the place-its just normal behaviour.
Cories do that. Mine will sit still at lunch time in a row and watch telly for half hour- Later on in the evening they dart all over the place-its just normal behaviour.

thanks for that . i thought he looked to healthy to be having any problems.but had to check.
Mine are the same way...sometimes just chilling at the bottom laying on the rocks and other times they are darting around the tank, I think thats just how they are cause that's what I've seen people say on here also about their cories :) :)
Hi dan44762000 :)

Corys do seem to alternate between activity and just sitting. The temperature of your water is on the high side for C. paleatus though, and this might make them act a little off. They do best between 15-25 C.

If you can add a few more of them to your tank it might make a difference too. :D

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