Am I Doing This Right?


New Member
Nov 26, 2008
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Hello, fairly new here and appreciate all the info I've gotten.

For water changes I am using the gravel vac to clean the bottom of the tank and I empty about 30% of the water doing so, then I fill up a bucket with water from the faucet, add the dechlorinator, stir it around, let it sit to get to room temperature (or close to) and then add it to the tank so the tank is full.
I do this once a week, am I doing this right? :unsure:
Yes you are doing it right. Its exactally the same way I do mine. You could always add a bit of hot water to the bucket and compare the temperature with the tank then you can filll the tank back up quicker. This is what I do and I've never had any problems.
Sounds fine to me, though I never bother about letting the temp warm up. I just dump some dechlor into the tank and fill up from a hose connected to the cold tap.

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