Sudden Mean Fish! Help Please


New Member
Nov 26, 2008
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Hello Everyone!
Soo I just went to feed my fish and noticed one of my Penguin Tetras (Who also previously suffered from another fish eating his back fin) was hiding behind my heater and twitching really bad and the other Penguin tetra was chasing it and trying to bite it. Every time the one (I call him GIMPY) would come out from his hiding place, the other one chases him and bites at him.

Basically I dont know what to do!!! He's done this a couple times at feeding but usually once all the food is gone he stops chasing him around but I'm watching the tank right now and I dont know what to do because he isnt stopping!

Any Advice or anything I can do???? :sad: I feel bad for GIMPY because he can't swim as fast as the other one due to the lack of a back fin....
have you checked your water so see if the readings are right?
some say that fish get moody when the water is bad

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