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  1. atariacid

    Juwel Accessories

    now why didn't i think of that ! :lol:
  2. atariacid

    Juwel Accessories

    Can anyone recommend a good cheap web site to purchase juwel accessories from ? (filter sponges etc) cheers :good:
  3. atariacid

    Bubbles Clinging To Fish

    Ive had similar problems in the past with air bubbles in the water - no probs with the fish though... What i did find is that is was related to how fast i added the new water. Done slowly the problem went away.
  4. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    Yeah the rekord is the same - and they've (juwel) updated the design so the filters can be removed without disconnecting the pump. This is the main reason i went for a rekord over the rio. The lid has also been redesigned - now hinged at the back for easy access to the filters etc. I like the...
  5. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    Hi all ... Went to pets at home today to check out the fluval range and wasnt convinced. Anyway went on the net and had another look and finally today bought a new Juwel Rekord 800. :D Really good price too .. looking on net the prices were around 125 quid Went to the local guy 110 quid ...
  6. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    cheers jazzzz will head on over there on friday / weekend to check them out will let you know how i get on :good:
  7. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    ba****ds :lol: still i'll have a look again round the local stores see what i can get my hands on !!
  8. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    cheers for that minxfishy, they look nice actually - alot better cab than the rio 125 hmm so if its an internal filter where does that sit and house in the tank compared with the rio ? i think i really need to see one in a shop dont i.
  9. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    you havent got any pics or anything have you showing in detail the tank / lid and cab plus filter looked on web but pics just show general views
  10. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    is that better ?? my old tank is an under gravel job .. never had dealings with the filters internal or external. im assuming that an external filter will be noisier ?
  11. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    haven't been able to check out a fluval tank out in the flesh so to speak.. no one seems to stock em i also like the idea of the heater / filter etc in one box to the side (juwel) .. dont think the fluval do this design do they ?
  12. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    Thanks Jazzzz will check them out the rio 125 tank is 81cm .. the fluval 125 base is 80cm will this be ok ???
  13. atariacid

    Shy Clown Loach?

    clown loaches are very shy creatures anyway i have 2 in a 95Lt tank and they have been fine now for the last 3 years. just about to move to a bigger tank though because of these two getting bigger. you'll find also that if you set your lights to turn off for 2 or 3 hours during the day (say an...
  14. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    Just had me and the bread knife sit on the draw set and it seems fine... hmmm -_-
  15. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    this is what i had in mind ... ikea
  16. atariacid

    Got You Now Viscum Water Gardens You Dont Tell The Truth Rule Out All

    ive had a few dealings with viscum .... some good ... some bad.. i dont go there for tropical fish anymore , last tropical fish i got from there nearly ended in disaster for the whole tank not too helpful either after the event, just saying my tank water was to blame .. any hoo .. the pond stuff...
  17. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    whats your number again ? :lol:
  18. atariacid

    Rio 125 Cabinet

    Hi guys, After much debate Im sort of heading towards the juwel rio 125 as my new tank. Thing is Im not keen on the cabinet that it sits on for style or storage. As space is at a premium I'd like to maximise the storage potential underneath the new tank. My idea was to sit the new tank on a set...
  19. atariacid

    Which Aquarium ?

    yeah i know they can grow pretty big.. but i dont have enough room for a bigger tank.. sorry i mean longer tank that why i thought id look for a taller tank if the clowns get too big i'll have to offload em ... great fish though really comical
  20. atariacid

    Which Aquarium ?

    that looks more like it ... not too sure about that cabinet though - can you just get the aquarium ? also do these have the all in one sort of boxes at the back to house the heater, filter etc ? :lol: see what u mean about the wallpaper - lovely tank though
  21. atariacid

    Which Aquarium ?

    Hi minxfishy - thats the site that i first saw the osaka 155 ... looks real nice .. ideally though im looking for something a bit bigger (taller) than the rekord 70 the osaka is a last resort must have ... at 350 quid i need to look at others first. I'm in south yorkshire - didnt think of...
  22. atariacid

    Which Aquarium ?

    Thanks shelagh, any info will be appreciated Not too sure about shopping online .. pain in the #### if things are not right. would prefer to buy from local shop .. (local shop doesnt do the Osaka 155 though :( went for a look see this aft. thats when i saw the rekord 70) oh and thanks for...
  23. atariacid

    Which Aquarium ?

    Hi guys, wonder if u can help... ive had tropical fish now for about 15 years, the tank is getting a bit old and tatty now so im looking to get a new one the gf also wants the tank in the living room (currently tank in spare bedroom) thing is im not too sure which tank to get. The tank I have...