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  1. TheDood326

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    ah poo it didnt work lets try one more time
  2. TheDood326

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    nice tahh meet yall i have a 49 gallon marineland with a warped front, and my filter is a tetra whisper ex45 that i keep in my living room Up in my room i have a twenty gallon with a marble pleco, a peacock eel, a bronze cory and 5 various highfin platies, a baby paltie he is about an inch now...
  3. TheDood326

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    HI EVERYONE! i recently have fallen in love with OSCARS!!!! every time i go to my lfs i run over to the oscar tanks and play with them. about 2 days ago i scrambled enough money to go out and buy a tiger oscar, he's 3-4 inches and a cute little fella at that, unfortunetly im am such a noob at...
  4. TheDood326

    New To Oscars Plz Assist

    So i have some questions for all you oscar-maniacs?? -Do oscars gain more color as they grow or do they gain more color when you bring them home from the lfs? -What will oscars eat? whats the best variety to feed them? what do they love to eat? -Should i get a pair of oscars or just one and a...
  5. TheDood326

    What Could Have Killed My Bacteria?

    possibly the new water treatment
  6. TheDood326

    New Fish Owner, I Have Some Questions!

    okay dokay so if you just set up your tank you should wait to buy fish so it can begin cycling, when set up my first tank (46g) i thought "hey now that its setup i should go out and buy a ton of fish" so i did i bought about 50 fish and in about the next week 3/4 of them died due to the amount...
  7. TheDood326

    How Can I Really Tell When My Pally Is Gunna Drop Fry

    recently i have been interseted in livebearing fish ever since my sunburst platy all of the sudden started plopping out babies i was so suprised and hopped right on the forum I now have 7 fry in a 5 gallon fry tank (filter sucker covered by net), 6 are a week old, and 1 is 2 weeks old (im...
  8. TheDood326

    Platy Daddy Yay!

    i have eight platy fry in the same breeder net!!!
  9. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    UPDATE as of today: my parrots have been very active recently they have been coming out to explore and swim around, but whenever i get anywhere near the tank they freak out and hide behind my filter, i have come to learn that slow movements dont seem to frighten them as much so i have treid to...
  10. TheDood326

    Can You Put Rocks From A River In Yr Tank If U Clean?

    I live righ tnext to a stream to and i just washed washed the rocks off with dishwasher soap and a nice scrubber and they were good to go (probally shoulda done more) and i still have them in my tank and no fish have died good luck
  11. TheDood326

    New To Tetras- Can You Put More Than One In A Tank

  12. TheDood326

    New To Tetras- Can You Put More Than One In A Tank

    I thought tetras were fighting fish and couldnt be put in the same tank with eachother cus they would brutally attack each other but recently i have seen forums with people talking of having more than 7 tetras in a tank i am very confused please help me ps- can you put tetras into a normal...
  13. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    u just think they got some problems upstairs (in the head)
  14. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    i have a ton of real plants, a valcano bubbler thing, a flexable air stone tube thing, a palm tree and a tiny buddha (he watches over my fish) i share this tank with my father and he says he likes the way it is now and i keep arguing with him that we need drift wood and places for them to hide...
  15. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    that doesnt seem to be the problem levels are: Ammonium-0.0, N02-0.0, NO3-5.0, Ph-7.4
  16. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    OKAY so new update its been 2 and a half days and apparently my mom told me peaches our parrot was out and very hungry and actually ate but when ever im around they are always hiding from me i built tham a little bush of foliage for them to hide in so they had there own little domain but they...
  17. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    Fish shouldnt be put through that but my 2 tanks are defenetly cycling (i have seen the transitions of the cycle through testing) , last time i tested was 4 days ago and everything was fine all my fish are healthy they just seem reaaaally nervous with fast movments and when they arent running...
  18. TheDood326

    My Fry Wont Eat!

    just flakes=/ its what the guy at the store told me to do i couldnt find any baby brine shrimp
  19. TheDood326

    My Fry Wont Eat!

    Okay so radomly on 10/1 i noticed a little thing hiding behind my buddha in my tank i go OMG IS THAT A BABY and it was, he was the only one left after the rest probally all got eaten so its been about a week now and he seems to grow everyday but im afraid he doesnt eat anything i give him Im...
  20. TheDood326

    Why Is My Syno Featherfin So Shy?

    yeah mine always gets in fights with my kori and pleco whenever it bups into him or enters his hole (my syno stays in a big hole in my drift wood)
  21. TheDood326

    How Long Will It Take For Platy Fry To Grow 10mm?

    yeah i know exactly what you mean its crazy every day there tail and spine grows
  22. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    Well that would suck haha if it does happen im smack some one at petsmart
  23. TheDood326

    Why Is My Syno Featherfin So Shy?

    All he does is hide in my drift wood and like all featherfins he is amazing in color and i wish i could see him more often when i was getting him ready for my tank and while i was handling him when all the sudden he jabbes me with his dorsal fin :-( and made me bleed at the time i had no idea...
  24. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    yeah but what if i dont have a tank to quarentien them
  25. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    i have no idea i didnt do any of that i just took them out of the bag and put them in yeah i have tried feeding them but all my other fish get to it first and i dont want to over feed and that makes me happy though as long as they arent always this shy
  26. TheDood326

    How Long Will It Take For My Sailfin Pleco To Reach 18 Inches

    THANKS SO MUCH yay i dont have to get a bigger tank soon
  27. TheDood326

    How Long Will It Take For My Sailfin Pleco To Reach 18 Inches

    hes about 2 inches now hes a little guy but i know he is gunna be at least 18 inches eventually but when is eventually??
  28. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    set the bag in the top of the tank and let them get used to the water temp and then just ploped em in they are just acting very skittish and scarred but its probally them getting used to it
  29. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    they are like pushing them selves against the corners and yeah i got my tanks like a month and a half ago i dunno if its abnormal im just worried
  30. TheDood326

    Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

    I bought 2 blood parrots from petsmart cus the had the best colored ones i could find but here the thing i dunno whether they r getting used to the tank or whether they arent healthy or whether they dont like the other fish in the tank they are in a 50 gallon tank with barbs, 2 rams, and a pleco...