Fish Fanatic
Thanks wd!Nice chart.
During fishless cycling I found that I could work with baking soda to counteract the really low pH crashes I was getting. The ideal way to do this is to be measuring KH as well as pH so that you can get used to the relationship. But there's nothing wrong (that I can see) with going ahead with some baking soda prior to having a KH kit, you just won't be able to see the results of your baking soda actions as well.
In your case you are down to pH=6.4, which is not quite at 6.2 where the cycle is generally expected to stall, so technically you could wait another day or two possibly, watching pH, but if you have some pure baking soda in the kitchen (make sure its baking soda (aka NaHCO3, aka Sodium Bicarbonate) and not baking powder!) you should add 2 teaspoons, I'd say, for a 29G. Just sprinkle slowly on surface, it will all dissolve eventually.
This will raise the carbonate hardness (measured in german degrees KH) and may not immediately raise the pH, but it should stabilize the pH and help it to resist going down farther. Then just continue to record your stats and post them and we'll keep an eye out for whether we should do a big water change at some point here and recharge with ammonia and baking soda. If your ammonia gets to zero then recharge it to 5 again of course.
Did I forget anything?
Of course there is a pure baking soda in the kitchen (Sodium Bicarbonate, checked)! Added 2 teaspoons and ordered API GH & KH test kit.
What do I do if tomorrow pH will drop to 6.2 or even below (just want to have some backup plan and be prepared in case...)?