Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)

I tend to find the best way to introduce new fish are as mentioned if possible use a QT tank (quarantine) to avoid introducing a desires into the main tank, if you cant do this then keep an eye on all fish in the main tank.

To introduce them I 1st turn the lights off on the main tank, put the fish bag containing in the new fish into the tank and let it float for about 15 mins so the water the new fish is in becomes the same temp as your tank, i then open the fish bag after 15 mins and fill the bag to 3/4 full with my tank water and leave the bag and fish bobbing around for a further 15 - 20 mins, after this time i lift the bag with the fish in out of the tank, get a little 5ltr bucket / tub and pour the contents of the fish bag into the bucket THROUGH A FISH NET !!!!!! so the fish is caught in the net, i then put the fish in the main tank and leave the lights off till the next day. the reason i put the water from the bag into the bucket and not the tank is just in case the water from the ls is not good, so i don't contaminate the tank.
I bought 2 blood parrots from petsmart cus the had the best colored ones i could find but here the thing i dunno whether they r getting used to the tank or whether they arent healthy or whether they dont like the other fish in the tank they are in a 50 gallon tank with barbs, 2 rams, and a pleco ANY ADVICE PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :D thank you

I fear you may have made the same sad mistake as I once did.

If those fish are anything other than yellow/orange, then they have almost certainly been dyed. Not good.

They will lose their colour inside of 6 months.

Well that would suck haha if it does happen im smack some one at petsmart

What colours are they? Post a could of photos, and Ill be able to tell you.

I was gutted (and embarrassed) when I found out I'd been "had" with this trick. Especially as its a cruel practise.
have a look at for some more details about dyed fish, its a really cruel and barbaric practice, fish which have been subjected to this are often unwell and many do not reach their natural lifespan because they have been harmed by this process.

If the tank is a month and a half old it's possible that it's not cycled yet, do you have a test kit? If so please can you test your water and let us know the results for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
have a look at for some more details about dyed fish, its a really cruel and barbaric practice, fish which have been subjected to this are often unwell and many do not reach their natural lifespan because they have been harmed by this process.

If the tank is a month and a half old it's possible that it's not cycled yet, do you have a test kit? If so please can you test your water and let us know the results for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
Fish shouldnt be put through that

but my 2 tanks are defenetly cycling (i have seen the transitions of the cycle through testing) , last time i tested was 4 days ago and everything was fine all my fish are healthy they just seem reaaaally nervous with fast movments and when they arent running away from anything they are hidding i dunno what it is its been 2 and a half days now

I tend to find the best way to introduce new fish are as mentioned if possible use a QT tank (quarantine) to avoid introducing a desires into the main tank, if you cant do this then keep an eye on all fish in the main tank.

To introduce them I 1st turn the lights off on the main tank, put the fish bag containing in the new fish into the tank and let it float for about 15 mins so the water the new fish is in becomes the same temp as your tank, i then open the fish bag after 15 mins and fill the bag to 3/4 full with my tank water and leave the bag and fish bobbing around for a further 15 - 20 mins, after this time i lift the bag with the fish in out of the tank, get a little 5ltr bucket / tub and pour the contents of the fish bag into the bucket THROUGH A FISH NET !!!!!! so the fish is caught in the net, i then put the fish in the main tank and leave the lights off till the next day. the reason i put the water from the bag into the bucket and not the tank is just in case the water from the ls is not good, so i don't contaminate the tank.

thanks for the tip

I bought 2 blood parrots from petsmart cus the had the best colored ones i could find but here the thing i dunno whether they r getting used to the tank or whether they arent healthy or whether they dont like the other fish in the tank they are in a 50 gallon tank with barbs, 2 rams, and a pleco ANY ADVICE PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :D thank you

I fear you may have made the same sad mistake as I once did.

If those fish are anything other than yellow/orange, then they have almost certainly been dyed. Not good.

They will lose their colour inside of 6 months.

Well that would suck haha if it does happen im smack some one at petsmart

I have looked at the pictures on the internet of died ones and normal ones and i definetlly have the normal parrots not died they look fine just alittle jumpy

What colours are they? Post a could of photos, and Ill be able to tell you.

I was gutted (and embarrassed) when I found out I'd been "had" with this trick. Especially as its a cruel practise.
OKAY so new update its been 2 and a half days and apparently my mom told me peaches our parrot was out and very hungry and actually ate but when ever im around they are always hiding from me i built tham a little bush of foliage for them to hide in so they had there own little domain but they just look like a guppy sleeping not moving kinda tilt to the scarred that they are really stressed out

if the tank is cycling then i'd suggest it's almost definately a reaction to poor water conditions, can you test the water asap and let us know the results for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.
I may have missed this in a previous post, but what kind of decor (plants, rocks, wood, gravel, etc.) do you have in your tank?
i have a ton of real plants, a valcano bubbler thing, a flexable air stone tube thing, a palm tree and a tiny buddha (he watches over my fish) i share this tank with my father and he says he likes the way it is now and i keep arguing with him that we need drift wood and places for them to hide other than plants but he doesnt get it, he is stubborn sometimes. Also i saw one of my parrots "sleeping" on its side, im afraid these chiclids are missing half a brain or something or they are xenophobic i dunno CHICLID PPL PLZ HELP ME IM AFRAID PET SMART FECKED ME OVER!!!

thanks for all the help everyone :rolleyes:

p.s. i cant get one of my chiclids to stop hiding behind the filter its wierd everytime i look in the aquarium hes up there i dunno what to do
i'm afraid the process to dye fish is cruel and horrible to the fish and often kills or seriously damages the fish. If there's nothing wrong with the water quality and the rest of the fish are fine I would suspect that the fish have been damaged by the dyeing process and all you can do is make things as comfortable for them as possible but don't expect them to last all that long. :/
i'm afraid the process to dye fish is cruel and horrible to the fish and often kills or seriously damages the fish. If there's nothing wrong with the water quality and the rest of the fish are fine I would suspect that the fish have been damaged by the dyeing process and all you can do is make things as comfortable for them as possible but don't expect them to last all that long. :/

u just think they got some problems upstairs (in the head)
i wouldn't say something wrong in the head, more likely irreverisble damage to their major internal organs and respiratory system. :/
Keep the water in top condition, give them plenty of hiding places, and feed sparsely for a few weeks.

My Parrots were very skittish for, well, the whole time I had them!

Once the dye went away, I realised I wasn't too keen on them, as it was the (artificial) colours I liked - so I traded them for Oscars.
UPDATE as of today: my parrots have been very active recently they have been coming out to explore and swim around, but whenever i get anywhere near the tank they freak out and hide behind my filter, i have come to learn that slow movements dont seem to frighten them as much so i have treid to keep my cool and sit down in front of the tank for about an hour doing hw to get them used to my presence i am very happy with their progress

p.s. they have been picking fights with pleco, he is about 5 inches, i noticed that some of his dorsal fin had been missing, almost like little semi circle hole punches.... any thins i can do to prevent it

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