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  1. D

    Could I Have Please Have Some Help Setting Up A Biotype Aquarium?

    i was trying for a mbuna style biotype,. but all plans dont go down the track and i have ended up with many species ( although all malawis ) and mostly mbuna there are some haps and things,. its a large tank so im not to worryed about aggression i think it adds to the interest but of course...
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    Could I Have Please Have Some Help Setting Up A Biotype Aquarium?

    i would say they are cheaper as they dont die in moments, have far more interesting social behaviour, and the colours kick ass
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    Ok Serious Problem!

    sorry about the threads, but im learning as this is happening ( and im still learning about forums. { there a great source of information}) how long will this take as im going on hollidays soon and i wont be able to change water for 10 days..,, OOOOOOoooohh how did i let this happen i thought it...
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    Ok Serious Problem!

    ok after some advice from great people on this forum and other friends i have figured that my tank (6x2x2) was not properly cycled before i added 48 african cichlids.. now the ammonia levels are high aswell as nitirite i have done daily 50% water changes i borrowed 20kgs of mature gravel from a...
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    currently feeding on new life spectrum community fish formula 34% protein.. will this cause bloat
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    New 6x2x2 Stock, Possible Parasites?

    the tank was not fully cycled and there is still small amounts of ammonia and nitirte, what should i do
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    New 6x2x2 Stock, Possible Parasites?

    my new 6x2x2 with all new fish brought together at the same time 12 x electric yellows 6x cobalt blues ( maylandia callainos ) 2x kadanga red ( copadichromis " i think? ) 6x kingsizei 3x elongatus mpanga 2x sciaenochromis ahli 9x acei 2 of the electric yellows a kingsizei and a ahli, i have...
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    12 x electric yellows 6x cobalt blues ( maylandia callainos ) 2x kadanga red ( copadichromis " i think? ) 6x kingsizei 3x elongatus mpanga 2x sciaenochromis ahli 9x acei ( blueish body with yellow fins with a white crest running along the top fin .. if anyone could give me a scientific name...
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    6x2x2 What Do You Think

    i think it is granite,. i think.. how do you stack rocks high, i have a peace of egg crate on the bottem ( although not perfectly as i had to add it after i added the sand :crazy: ) im just worryed about the tanks strengh as high quality wasnt really in the price range,. id love to have a tall...
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    New To Testing

    i have a 150 litre tank with a pair of green terrors its very mature almost a year up and running now, although i recently cleaned tha filter sponge with hose water, can i use substrate, carbon or noodles where should i place it, the tank in question uses a 150ltr sump filter i washed most of...
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    New To Testing

    its a 6x2x2 pretty big all the fish are juvi just looking through other posts wilder you seem like a real hero! seriously thanks for helping
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    6x2x2 What Do You Think

    theres lots of rocks and cover recently borrowed from my local river. im used to keeping nw cichlids so i thought in comparison how bad could it be ? :blink: any suggestion im also concidering acei tanks a nock out ill post pics soon
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    New To Testing

    177 us gallons i think.. will it harm my fish any advice
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    New To Testing

    i did a 25% yesterday and a 50% today ill do another 50 tomorrow the tank is maybe 4 weeks old there is a metre long air stone on high, the tank is 670litres im not sure what that is in gallons 670 divided by 3.78 im bad at math really sorry, will this hard my fish!
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    New To Testing

    nitrite 0.25 ammonia 0.25 nitrate 0.5 ph 7.8 can anyone tell me if this is bad, normal, good, terrible!!!!!! arghh i dont know im nervous. this is a 6x2x2 malawi tank about 30 juvi fish please tell me what to do or tell me to carm down.. thanks alot!! please be quick
  16. D

    6x2x2 What Do You Think

    12 x electric yellows 6x cobalt blues ( maylandia callainos ) 2x kadanga red ( copadichromis " i think? ) 6x kingsizei 3x elongatus mpanga 2x sciaenochromis ahli the tank is 6x2x2 plenty of caves and rocks. all the fish are juvi's can give more specfic names if needed thank you so much and...
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    What Kind Of Rocks Do You Use

    i want to go for a natural look a little jagged, i like limestone, im looking for light weight good look what do you use. please post pics if possible
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    Help With New 6x2x2 Stock List

    im sorry i think i explaned incorrectly, i am an american cichlid keeper, green terrors, red devils, jaguars and the like. i want something less agressive! in comparison only the most aggresive africans are the ones i dont want i would like breeding to grow the tanks stock, so correct me if im...
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    What is the meanest fish you've owned?

    green terror.. utterly insane
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    Has Anyone Done This

    im sorry if this is a stupid question but i have a 700liter tank and i want to get mbuna's. is it possible to start with just a couple different species in numbers of 6 or 7 with the right female to male ratio's. and them grow your tank. by this i mean leaving the fry in there untill they grow...
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    Help With New 6x2x2 Stock List

    no im open to all ideas about which africans, if you could say good genus's that make interesting fish and breed well with little agression let me know? its a big tank opinions could really help me as i dont know to much about africans
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    Help With New 6x2x2 Stock List

    ive been going over this non stop in my head for a long time, ive gone from preds, nw cichlids, frontosas, rays! pretty much every mix you can think of for my new 6x2x2 but im wondering what you think of this 12x labidochromis caeruleus ( electric yellows / yellow labs ) 9 females 3 males 8x...
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    Tang Vs Malawi

    with my recent purchase 6x2x2 i plan on either malawi or tang so whats better and why, i am planning on trying to breed so what are the essential things ill need to know like which breeds, how many, what size fry tanks, ive got a spare 150liter is that to big? fast growing is great any advice...
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    My New 6x2x2

    unfortunatly that is in possible becouse the place of purchase is a little dodgy. is there any way i could fix?
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    Amazon Look

    my recent purchase of a 6x2x2 has inspired me to go for an amazon look is there anywhere to look for inspiration what would you do
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    Amazon Look

    my recent purchase of a 6x2x2 has inspired me to go for an amazon look is there anywhere to look for inspiration what would you do
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    Has Anyone Heard Of This

    resun sp 7500. is this good or bad any information would be great using on a 6x2x2
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    excellent!! thank you
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    My New 6x2x2

    hey guys, i got a new 6x2x2 the glass is cut a little messy and the silicone job looks a little nasty too. well the price was right. do you think these could cause a problem later
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    hey guys, i got a new 6x2x2 the glass is cut a little messy and the silicone job looks a little nasty too. well the price was right. do you think these could cause a problem later
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    Upsizing From A 3foot To A 6 Foot

    mate i live in australia also sand looks awsome. i would use a sump filter do you no anyone who can sump and drill your tank defiantly worth it
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    Dift/bog Wood Question

    i have a dead tree ( gum tree ) in my back yard it has been dead for mayb 2 years can i put the wood in my tank? some of it looks a little rotten other stuff dosent. honestly i have no idea thanks heaps.
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    Changing To Sand

    looking to change to sand from white gravel. i like black sand can this be purchased from nursarys/homestores, is there anything i need to know anything drastically different types that could be dangerous any recomendations? im in australia
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    Upsizing From A 3foot To A 6 Foot

    a 6ft tank takes up to a month to fully cycle enough for your fish to survive i would use the water and substrate from your 3 foot, more heat and filtration will be required good luck though
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    50 Gallon Green Terror Tankmates?

    na mate if hes a male he will destroy it.. unless its a fish that will destroy him.. you cant really win with green terrors. i have a pair in a 6x2x2 and they kill anything i try to add.. its somthing i get over there great fish
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    Best Size For A Second Tropical Tank?

    i consider 6x2x2 the biggest tank for the average hobbyest anything bigger and your getting pretty serious
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    Bad Tank Experiance

    has anyone had a cheaper tank that has busted, after buying a cheaper 6x2x2 i have recently been told the glass is cheap and it would all just break up.. is this true, glass looks fine to me
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    Should I Use A Sump Or Not ( Link Included )

    i heard they can be very noisey is this true it will be going in my living room
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    Should I Use A Sump Or Not ( Link Included )

    Sump filter im sorry you will have to look at the pictures but its there sorry. what do you think the tank i want is also pictured there it has the top cabinet aswell what do you guys think and for price its in AUD ( australian dollars ) is that good value 6x2x2
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    Will This Filter Work *pics Included

    oh on the bottem left of the picture it says pump 3500. yes oscars are defienately and option although i have 2 large green terrors that need a new home and they havnt been know for there kindness unfortunatly.. mean buggers