New To Testing


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
nitrite 0.25
ammonia 0.25
nitrate 0.5
ph 7.8

can anyone tell me if this is bad, normal, good, terrible!!!!!! arghh i dont know im nervous. this is a 6x2x2 malawi tank about 30 juvi fish please tell me what to do or tell me to carm down.. thanks alot!! please be quick
Its not good as ammonia and nitrite should be 0.
How long has the tank been set up.
How many gallons is the tank.
Water changes and increase aeration in the tank.
i did a 25% yesterday and a 50% today ill do another 50 tomorrow the tank is maybe 4 weeks old there is a metre long air stone on high, the tank is 670litres im not sure what that is in gallons 670 divided by 3.78 im bad at math really sorry, will this hard my fish!
If the tanks to small it will never cycle as the filter won't keep up with the load of fish in there.
It does sound like your tank is still cycling. The malawi/mbuna tanks are often very heavily stocked so you must have good bio filtration. Sponge filters are better bio filters than external cannisters, consider adding a sponge filter to your setup. While you have ammonia and nitrite in the water only feed very small amounts.
its a 6x2x2 pretty big all the fish are juvi

just looking through other posts wilder you seem like a real hero! seriously thanks for helping
177 us gallons i think.. will it harm my fish any advice

nitrite 0.25
ammonia 0.25
nitrate 0.5
ph 7.8

can anyone tell me if this is bad, normal, good, terrible!!!!!! arghh i dont know im nervous. this is a 6x2x2 malawi tank about 30 juvi fish please tell me what to do or tell me to carm down.. thanks alot!! please be quick

You will need to keep the nitrite and ammonia levels as close to 0 as you can until there is enough bacteria in the tank to cope with the level of waste that the fish are producing.
ammonia and nitrite are both highly toxic to fish and can lead to a lot of stress related diseases setting in as well as things such as ammonia burns and even deaths.

Unfortunately as so many fish have been added too soon, keeping the levels low may result in many weeks of daily water changes until the tank is fully cycled,

If you know anyone that has an established tank you could try asking for some of their filter media which will help speed up the cycle of your tank.
If not then tbh your best option would be to rehome some of the fish, so that the filter has less work to do in finishing the cycle.
i have a 150 litre tank with a pair of green terrors its very mature almost a year up and running now, although i recently cleaned tha filter sponge with hose water, can i use substrate, carbon or noodles where should i place it, the tank in question uses a 150ltr sump filter i washed most of it recently.... :angry: bugger...... this could be the problem.. with both filters medias recently hose washed could the gravel in the green terror tank contain benifical bacteria, its large gravel could i gravel vac it and put the water is the malwai tank. thanks for all the help
i have a 150 litre tank with a pair of green terrors its very mature almost a year up and running now, although i recently cleaned tha filter sponge with hose water, can i use substrate, carbon or noodles where should i place it, the tank in question uses a 150ltr sump filter i washed most of it recently.... :angry: bugger...... this could be the problem.. with both filters medias recently hose washed could the gravel in the green terror tank contain benifical bacteria, its large gravel could i gravel vac it and put the water is the malwai tank. thanks for all the help

cleaning any media in tap water is bad i'm afriad, the chlorine in tap water will kill the bacteria,
Also water and gravel don't really contain enough beneficial bacteria to make a noticeable difference.

I'd be interested to know the stats in the GT tank if the pads have been hosed? if the stats do appear to be ok, then you could indeed use some media from this tank

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