6x2x2 What Do You Think


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
12 x electric yellows
6x cobalt blues ( maylandia callainos )
2x kadanga red ( copadichromis " i think? )
6x kingsizei
3x elongatus mpanga
2x sciaenochromis ahli

the tank is 6x2x2 plenty of caves and rocks. all the fish are juvi's can give more specfic names if needed thank you so much and dont forget to tell me what you think pictures will come soon if people want.

cheers dave
I wouldn't do the kingsizei or the elongatus mpanga because pseudotropheus can get pretty mean.
Also unless you know which are male which are female - pretty much impossible at juvenile state
I would be getting groups of 8+ of each species.
theres lots of rocks and cover recently borrowed from my local river. im used to keeping nw cichlids so i thought in comparison how bad could it be ? :blink: any suggestion im also concidering acei tanks a nock out ill post pics soon
any suggestion im also concidering acei tanks a nock out ill post pics soon
Pseudo acei are nice and very gentle from my experience they grow a bit bigger than most mbuna but
it won't be a problem with this tank size. I personnally really like these guys - mine has grown like crazy
since I got him.

Rocks always help :rolleyes:

With africans aggression can get pretty bad - you can have 1 total dominate or everyone gets picked off one at a time
For example with my 65 gallon mbuna tank my pseudotropheus male owns half the tank, if another fish goes on his half
they get chased off.

Any idea what type of rock? Lava rock aka volcanic rock works well and ocean rock works well too.
i think it is granite,. i think.. how do you stack rocks high, i have a peace of egg crate on the bottem ( although not perfectly as i had to add it after i added the sand :crazy: ) im just worryed about the tanks strengh as high quality wasnt really in the price range,. id love to have a tall rock work
I think granite should work just do the vinegar test to test for hard metals (if it fizzes I wouldn't use it)
You can probably pick up aquarium cilicone or cilicone that says aquarium safe on it and glue the rocks together

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