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  1. G

    What To Do With My Tank (High Ph Problem)?

    I've tried Nutrafun aqua+ and tetra Aquasafe.   In all honesty i'd never had a problem with it before either :s
  2. G

    What To Do With My Tank (High Ph Problem)?

    Hi, I have a bit of a problem with my tank and would like some advice regarding what to do with it.   It's an old ish planted 155L tank, with one internal and one external filter, I've had it since 2009ish so it's well established.   My inhabitants were...   6 serpea tetra 1 RTBS 2 kribs 2...
  3. G

    Fish "randomly" Dying

    tap ph is 6.8, although when i add water conditioner it goes up to 8.2 with tetra safe+ or whatever it's called and 7.8 with nutrafin aqua+ (although i only realised this yesterday, so god knows how long it's been happening...) test kit is a nutrafin master kit. remaining fish appear fine, the...
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    Fish "randomly" Dying

    i used the tetra one in the yellow bottle, although in the past i've used the nutrafin one, so bought a bottle of that today, same results, tapwater ph going up to 7.8 in the bucket...
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    Fish "randomly" Dying

    hi, over the last couple of weeks a fair few of my fish have died, and i have no idea why, heres my setup 160L tank, set to 26 degrees c, 2 filters, one internal, one external, tank has been running for a couple of years with no problem current inmates were 1x BN plec, 2x krib, 2x keyhole...
  6. G

    Do Slider Turtles Need Water Conditioner To Remove Chlorine...

    whenever i change my turtles water i have been putting water conditioner in it out of habit, but don't know if turtles actually need it, well i've just run out of it and would like to know if i need to buy anymore or not? I know turtles aren't as awkward as fish can be about water...i know...
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    Introducing New Guinea Pigs To An Existing Guinea Pig?

    Thanks, i'm gonna pick up a new cage-mate on Saturday, so will give the cage a total clear out just before and move everything about. One thing I have noticed is that now its on its own, my remaining piggy is noticably shyer and very "skittish", if you disturb it eating it will scurry back into...
  8. G

    Introducing New Guinea Pigs To An Existing Guinea Pig?

    Hi, thanks for the replies, unfortunately it died overnight before we could get it to the vet...#40## bank holidays :( They were both young males, the one that died wasn't very active at all, we rarely saw it out, never saw it eat or anything like that and was very lethargic if you picked it...
  9. G

    Introducing New Guinea Pigs To An Existing Guinea Pig?

    hi, does anyone know if new guinea pigs are easy to introduce into to exsting guinea pigs in a cage? We bought our daughter two guinea pigs a couple of weeks ago, and one of them is in a pretty bad way, we're gonna take it to the vet in the morning when it opens, but would like to know if...
  10. G

    Turtles In Fish Tank?

    aye, i've noticed, i put them in to see what would happen, the biggest turtle was chasing my plec about constantly, so he has gone back into the turtle tank downstairs, in the dark, the smaller one is fine though and should be ok for a couple of hours, that is the one i was more worried about...
  11. G

    Turtles In Fish Tank?

    Hi The bulb on my turtle tank has blown and as our local pet stores are shut until tuesday, i was considering plonking the turtles into my tropical fish tank upstairs until i can get a new bulb sorted out, but not sure if its a good idea lol the turtles are small red eared sliders, one of them...
  12. G

    Turtles In Fish Tank?

    Hi The bulb on my turtle tank has blown and as our local pet stores are shut until tuesday, i was considering plonking the turtles into my tropical fish tank upstairs until i can get a new bulb sorted out, but not sure if its a good idea lol the turtles are small red eared sliders, one of them...
  13. G

    Jewil Cichlid

    Hi My local Pets at home has a tank of small jewel and texas cichlids, I was thinking of liberating one of the jewels (as I have a smallish tank and the texas cichlids would get far too big) to put in my tank but i've read some conflicting information on their temperament so i'd like some...
  14. G

    Serpea Tetra

    serpae tetra have pretty much the same personailty as tiger barbs, fast, aggressive and nippy, less so in larger numbers mine are pretty aggresive, but only towards new fish that are smaller than they are, when they get used to newbies they seem ok. they've never had a go at my larger fish...
  15. G

    Which Algae Eater

    I see the Forum Police(tm) have visited this thread :rolleyes:
  16. G

    Algae / Ph Problem...i Think :p

    Hi, could someone please give me some advise regarding algae, I would post in the other algae thread but it turned into a bit of an argument :P Anyway, I have a fair bit of algea in my tank, the green spotty type on the glass and some of the stringy crap on my wood and stones and would like to...
  17. G

    Fish By Post!

    Hi, my LFS hasn't got anything interesting in it of late, so i'm contemplating ordering some fishies online, anyone got any recommendations / good or bad experiences?
  18. G

    Clown Loaches And Discus

    slight hijack... to Anguilla82: what fish is that in your avatar? can't decide whether it looks more like a massive barbel or a reeeeeeeeeeeaally skinny common carp :P
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    Water Changes.

    I change 1 bucket of water every week for my 60L tank, works out about 15%. Saying that though, you can't really change too much water, but for a smaller tank doing a couple of 10L changes a week would be better than doing 30-40L at a time. Leave the filters, overzealous cleaning of filter...
  20. G

    Winter Is Truly Here

    My LFS has an osaka with a thin (clear) plastic sheet over the top, cut 2" shorter than the width of the tank and 3" shorter for all the pipes and stuff at the back, which is suspended over the tank by bathroom hooks that are hooked over the edges. Sounds pretty daft but its virtually invisible...
  21. G

    What Is The Smartest Fish?

    I'd say most new world cichlids seem to be quite clever as far as fish are concerned, eg my Firemouth recognises me and knows where its food comes from, bobs up and down as if to say "FEED ME!" when I sit next to the tank. Most carp are very intelligient, I was an avid angler for over 10 years...
  22. G

    Greedy Firemouth Cichlid!

    haha yeah, he's gonna get brainfreeze baaaaaaaaaaaaad!
  23. G

    Greedy Firemouth Cichlid!

    hi, just a quickly question, maybe its me being overly cautious, i feed my fish meaty food twice a week, tonight it was a block of frozen bloodworm, being in a rush i put the block into a net and swished it about the tank a bit to loosen it, then tipped it in. Little did I know, my Firemouth...
  24. G

    Tank Temperature...

    Does anyone know how accurate the stick on thermometers are? I have my tank set at 26c, although I think my fish would be slightly more comfortable with it set a bit lower I have an open topped tank and set it little bit higher to offset the loss of heat in the winter, especially overnight...
  25. G

    Stocking Advice - 500l Community

    i wish i had the space for a 6ft tank... *bitter* :P i'm sure you could get a lot more fish in a tank that size, most of the fish are pretty small (not sure about golden barbs though, if they're massive i apologise :P) the RTBS will deffo need a cave as he gets bigger but with a tank that size...
  26. G


    I have a very placid Firemouth in my community tank, no problems whatsoever, like someone above said, it seems to depend on the individual fish' temperament. Excellent fish with a lot of personality, easily handfed with worms etc, the only problem is that mine is absolutely ravenous and begs...
  27. G

    Algae Problem

    i've always thought of algae as a good thing (as long as it doesn't take over your tank, obviously), it provides my plecs with plenty to munch on and to be honest the tank looked a bit sterile without it. Obvious solutions to having loads of algae is not having the lights on as long in the day...
  28. G

    First Semi-aggressive Tank

    Hi I have a VERY similiar tank to yours, current inhabitants 6 serpae tetra, 1 RTBS, 4 danios, couple of cory's and a BN plec. My RTBS really doesn't like the tetra and harrasses them quite a bit, and like yours has claimed the whole bottom of the tank as his territory. My solution, which...
  29. G

    Bitten Off More Than I Can Chew?

    Not to be a pain in the #### but presumably after 6 months, with such a plentiful supply of waste, any cycling issues will have been long gone and a liquid test kit at the minute will be pretty superflous, definately not NEEDED? Anyway, back on track, you are pretty overstocked, the main...
  30. G

    Dwarf Bn Plec

    Done a bit of experimenting , so far it will eat cucumber, courgette, banana, carrots, brocolli (sp?), apple and lettuce :o greedy little plec :D
  31. G

    Can I Put My Clown Loaches In With My Oscars

    I have a friend who kept Oscars and Clowns together, they got on fine, the Oscar did try to eat one of the clowns the first week, but learnt his lesson when he was injured by the defensive spines a Clown Loach has. Never had a problem since!
  32. G

    Suitable Corys To Go In With My Clown Loaches?

    I've read in LOADS of places that Panda Corys get on really well with Clown Loaches, they're awesome little fish. The rule of thumb is a shoal of 6+ with no real upper limit, I've seen videos of hundreds of them before :D
  33. G

    Feeding Question

    I feed Nutrafin flakes, some random catfish pellets I picked up a whileago and bloodworms every other weekend for the majority of my fish then cucumber, broccolli, carrots or whatever else I can find that looks green for my plec and RTBS :D
  34. G

    Dwarf Bn Plec

    Nice one :D BN's are pretty awesome, I'll wait till he/she gets a bit bigger so I can sex it before I get anymore :)
  35. G

    Dwarf Bn Plec

    Hi, I recently picked up a partially albino dwarf BN plec from my LFS, the shop dude had never encountered them before so I didn't really trust his advise. Initially he / she wasn't eating but eventually gave in and now sits happily on a piece of cucumber all night, what other veggies will he...
  36. G

    Do They Get On?

    I've never had a problem with mixing Danios and Guppies, so I've never really considered Danios fin nippers (I have tiger barbs for that! :P) Although Danios are micro predators and will eat anything they can fit into their mouths, I don't think any fry would last long, unless they have mummy...
  37. G

    Cycle Stalled!

    Right, i'll get some baking soda on the way home from work! The cycle stalled about 2 days ago, the level of ammonia has stayed the same, any ideas if the level of bacteria will have died down at all?
  38. G

    Cycle Stalled!

    I've been running a fishless cycle for a couple of weeks (thanks to MW for advice!), i'm currently at the 2nd stage; reduced daily ammonia to 3ppm, did a water change as the nitrite reading was off the chart, and currently waiting eagerly for my nitrite levels to drop. However, the cycle seems...
  39. G


    My driftwood has always sunk without issue, with little preparation (sp?). The brown ness makes your tank look a little more natural too imo (as long as it doesn't get too muddy looking)!
  40. G

    Missed Adding Ammonia Today During My Fishless Cycle?

    Yeah thats what i was thinking, I have an overwhelming sense of paranoia when it comes to the unknown so I thought it would be better to ask!