Greedy Firemouth Cichlid!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 29, 2008
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hi, just a quickly question, maybe its me being overly cautious, i feed my fish meaty food twice a week, tonight it was a block of frozen bloodworm, being in a rush i put the block into a net and swished it about the tank a bit to loosen it, then tipped it in.

Little did I know, my Firemouth Cichlid was about to swim past and inhale the lot (save for a measly few)!

I'm pretty sure some of them were still frozen, will my greedy little cichlid be ok? :p
haha yeah, he's gonna get brainfreeze baaaaaaaaaaaaad!
he will be fine i feed mine frozen bloodworm and cichlid mix all the time i just take the cubes from the freezer and chuck em straight in the tank and have no probs

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