

Fish Gatherer
Oct 1, 2008
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Was wondering whether you think a single Firemouth would work in my community set-up? The rest of the occupants are listed in my signature and I'll also be getting some corydoras at some point.
Also is it the females with the red belly or is it the males?
I can see the shrimp being snacks. It also depends on the FM's personality as some are more laid back than others, I can see the ram and keyhole's not being able to defend themselves with an overly boisterous FM. Back when I first started fishkeeping I tried a FM in a community tank and I do remember him bulling some of my fish and I had to return it. If you do try it I would have a backup tank especially as the FM gets older. Personally I wouldn't do it.
What about getting him fairly small? Then he can grow up with the others.

Any other cichlid recommendations?
Ah found some on Tri-Mar. Also found some Eygptian mouthbrooders... How about a pair of these, would they be OK? They don't get very big.
a pair maybe if you have a nice hiding spot incase they breed they arent the most aggressive cichlids when breeding but they are still cichlids so i would take caution on that but they would deffinatly be suitable in your tank they dont grow much more than 5-6"

as for the mouth brooders i do not know much on them maybe somebody can inform you on them but the t bars would be fine

btw has your blue acara grown quickly because i am debaiting weather to buy one soon to go in my 55 gal tank with my severum
I might get a T-Bar then, thanks :)

I've had my Acara for about a month I think and he/she has grown quite a lot in that time, but it was very small when purchased. Colours are coming out quite nicely now. Very pretty fish, though mine sometimes chases my other cichlids.
i got one yday at around and half inches already he seems to rulel the tank over the severum and firemouth just hope him and the sev get on because they will be tankmates in the 50gal soon :D and i saw a few t bars when i went yday they are really nice fish if i didnt have my firemouth i would have tbars deffinatly
I have a very placid Firemouth in my community tank, no problems whatsoever, like someone above said, it seems to depend on the individual fish' temperament.

Excellent fish with a lot of personality, easily handfed with worms etc, the only problem is that mine is absolutely ravenous and begs for food all day!

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