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  1. Labeo


    Diffusing the water flow is the answer rather than turning the filter off. If the good bacteria dies off, which is very likely to happen if the filter is off for a number of hours, your aquarium could suffer an ammonia spike detriment to the fish. Known methods of water diffusion are spray...
  2. Labeo


    My Bronze Corys like the Catfish Pellets from King British. Haven't heard of them eating algae before... most interesting. What type of Corys are they?
  3. Labeo

    Ebay Auction Right Now

    180 Gallons would be fabulous. Don't think I could get to California though. ... do you think they would allow me on the plane with it as hand luggage? :dunno: :fun:
  4. Labeo

    Euro 2008

    Um.... Lewis Hamilton to win the British Grandprix? :blink:
  5. Labeo

    Euro 2008

    Erm, haven't been around for a bit. How is my prediction of Holland to win going? Maybe I should double it on Andy Murry to beat Nadal today. :crazy:
  6. Labeo

    Euro 2008

    The Dutch look unstoppable. They have so many good players who are all playing well. Without general team-wind-up merchants there like Seerdorf and Edgar Davids they are getting along with each other much better. I previously thought Spain had the best chance, but it's going to take...
  7. Labeo

    Worst Film Ever Watched.

    Batman & Robin It stared George Clooney as the caped crusader and Arnold Schwartzenegger as the villain Mr Freeze. It was pure tripe. The film seemed to start as if you'd entered the movie theatre half hour late, the acting was poor and the storyline feeble. Watching this I lost 17 IQ...
  8. Labeo

    Centre Piece

    Pearl Gourami? I used to have a couple of females in my tank and they are very pretty and peaceful fish. A Male may harass a single female though. I think the general concensus is if you are putting a Male in, you should put in at least 2 females to distract him a bit.
  9. Labeo

    Centre Piece

    Hi, is your hexagonal tank the tropical one featured in your sig? In a 90L, unless you have a docile one (which sometimes happens), the Red Tailed Shark is going to start causing problems as it grows bigger. Edit: Ah, you are getting a bigger tank. Hoorah! :good:
  10. Labeo


    I have a shoal of 11 Harlequin Rasboras. They totally ignore any cucumber that's ever put in. I guess they would finally have to eat this though if I didn't put more appealing food in. I mainly put cucumber in every now and then for my Bristlenose.
  11. Labeo

    Unicorn Discovered

    Hmmmm, have they checked it's not just some ice-cream cone stuck on by some desperate Homer Simpson type person? :unsure:
  12. Labeo

    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks Kewskills! I think I'm getting my bearings now... getting my bearings, but losing my marbles. :crazy:
  13. Labeo

    Tank In Bedroom

    I think we need to get Doctor House in on this one. He'll know what to do. :)
  14. Labeo

    Tank In Bedroom

    How big is the tank Gordi? I'm not sure what is happening here. The only thing I can possibly think of is that water evapouration is causing a slight change in your room's relative humidity which you are sensitive to. Either that or an alergy to something actually based in the tank itself...
  15. Labeo

    What Dechlorinators Do You Use?

    I use API Stress Coat. Don't know if this is the best, but it's the brand I've always used and seems to get the job done.
  16. Labeo

    Ugggh! Fried Gourami....

    Chicken feet? Pig tail? Pig feet? Various insects? Sounds like the standard ingredients of a Mcdonalds Happy Meal. :sick: :look:
  17. Labeo

    My Planted Tank

    Those pictures are taken with a phone? Remarkable. Good job... think I need a new phone.
  18. Labeo

    Hello Everyone!

    :thanks: As you can see, I have just located the list of smilies. :thumbs:
  19. Labeo

    Gone Missing!

    Have you an open-top tank Nick? Danios can be pretty good jumpers. Even more so, if they're not comfortable with the water conditions they're in.
  20. Labeo

    Ugggh! Fried Gourami....

    Hmmmm, what wine would you order with a Gourami?
  21. Labeo

    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks for the tip! I've cheated a bit and edited an image from the net with Paint Shop. I think I need a quicker shutter speed on my digital camera! That's the problem with digitals, you hit the GO button and then a few seconds later the picture is taken. In the few seconds delay anything...
  22. Labeo

    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks for the warm welcome ! :) As soon as my Red Tail Shark stays still long enough to have his picture taken, I'll sort out my Avatar pic. Maybe I can trick him with some cucumber. B-)
  23. Labeo

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi Folks! I just signed up to the Tropical Fish Forums a couple of minutes ago. I've been keeping Fish for about the last 15 years and am still learning new things all the time. This place looks great and I'm looking forward to posting here. :) Hmmm, I think I need to sort out some...