My Planted Tank

Jim Curtis

Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
46 gallon tank

1 tiger pleco
2 barbs
6 black mollies
2 feathertailed cats

Took the pics with my cellphone because it actually took better photos than my older digital camera..






Let me know what you think..
i think it looks nice. first time ive seen a tiger plec... hmmmm... new fish might be heading my way.
Im worried that the plec isnt eating the guy at my LFS said i didnt need to buy anything special for him that he would just eat alge and whatever flake food made it to the bottom of the tank. I just switched from silk plants to live plants and am not very optomistic about how long they will last. My substrate is just plain gravel.
A nice looking tank - Love the slate!

With regards your plec - try feeding it courgette or cucumber weighed down with plant anchors. Alternatively, algae wafers.

My sisters boyfriend who is supposidly the fish expert told me that the featherfins would only get to about 4" when all other sources say they get much larger, now im a bit worried. He also failed to mention that they become ugly brown with spots and dont get along well with other bottom dwellers.

I tried giving the plec algea wafers but the Mollies always seem to get to them first and scare away the big guy. The mollies are fun to watch but they are bullies. They were also sort of an impulse buy due to the girlfriend complaining that my tank was "empty and boring". Ive also removed the red lava rock because i think it was having a negetive effect on my tanks PH levels but i might have been way out in left field with that assumption. My PH was off the charts when i last tested it. I got a big ass fake gator skull to replace it, the fish seem to like it as a hiding spot. My plants also seem to be doing really well!

On another note can anyone id those barbs in the? I thought they were labled yellowtailed barbs at the LFS but i cant find any info on them. I had 6 but after my old tank sprung a major leak which also caused my heater to malfunction without my realizing it i lost 4 of them. I was actually able to replace my 6 year old tank with an identical one from the fish place which was nice, altho this all happened a good 8 months ago.


Im pretty bummed about my stocking. I wish I could start fresh I would really love just a simple stocking of 3 or 4 discuss.
Oh well whatever they are they are cool looking. Explains quite a bit actually. I realized the body was a different shape than most of the pics of barbs ive seen. And now I can get more!
Those pictures are taken with a phone?

Remarkable. Good job... think I need a new phone.
I wouldn't bother with algae wafers then but I feed my vegetarian plecs courgette. they devour it and they all have full bellys.

feather fins are fast growing and definately get bigger than 4 inches more like 7-8 inches!!!! I have one that was bought as a tiny upside down cat and he's about 6 inches now and evours all the food from the bottom. greedy git he is
Get yourself atleast another 4 lemon tetra :) good little fish, ours have done well.
Here is an up to date photo.. if i ever get a day off of work i'll pick up another 8 lemon tetras. Thanks for correcting me on that guys.

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