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    Errr.....i live in stevenage, hertfordshire! I dont think i have ever bin up to cheltenham!!!!! :huh:
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    It says "I survived rag week 1985!" Rag week meanin "period" and 1985 was the year i was born so i survived! Another lovely t-shirt from the people at french connection!!!!!!!! :P
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    female convict moveing rocks?

    Well sometimes one of my kribs moves bits of leaves and gravel out of her little hiding cave, its like she is creating more space or cleaning it out! Dont quote me on that but its seems it!
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    Went away for the weekend.

    STOTM Nomination!! Only j/k!!! That is really bad, fish tanks are meant to be nice to look at aswell as trying to keep fish in there natural enviroment!!
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    Cheers Snowey, Just looked on the rogues gallery and you aint half bad yourself are you!!!! :D ;)
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    Size of tank needed to house discus?

    I was thinking about getting a new tank and making it a species tank and discus caught my eye, im going to read up on them but i wanted a bit of inside advice from someone who knows or who has kept them before.... 1) How many discus is it best to keep in a group? 2) What size tank would be...
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    Lol, yer dont worry i am painting my bedroom very soon!! I have had that wallpaper there for round about 10 - 12 years now, well it was a big hit in the early 90's!! :P
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    My "senior" photos

    Not half bad are ya :D sorry just my way of saying your gorgeous!
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    Yer feel free to move it to the rogues gallery if you want! :thumbs:
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    lol, yer but its just 100 times bigger and ur able to see me abit more clearer!!! :P an sorry people i was meant to put it in the rogues gallery, my bad!! :unsure:
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    Here's me, if it works!!! :P
  12. me_n_me_tank3.jpg


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    samurai fighting fish

    Well i think they have been given the nickname siamease fighters because in places like japan or china they stick two males in a tank an fight them to the death and people can put bets on which one will win! abit like cock fighting and all that sorta stuff!
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    Tiger Barbs

    Although a species tank would be good, you dont have to do that! if you put 4-5 barbs in community they tend to leave all other fish alone!
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    Angels + Neons

    I hav had my angels and neons together for a yr and a half, my neons are 2 cms and my angels are 6 inches and not one has gone missing so you should be ok!
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    I want to change my gravel without stress!

    In a few weeks time i want to change my gravel in my tank, now to do this i will need to take all my water and fish out of the tank, has anyone got any good steps or ideas on how to do this without causing stress to the fish, any ideas would be much appreciated! :thumbs:
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    Fish destroying my plants!!!

    Some of them are actually eating them and some are biting the leaves and spitting it out! which is leaving it all over the surface of my tank! it is my angels and some of my gourami's have been having a little nibble, but other than plastic i dont see no other option!??! :unsure:
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    Fish destroying my plants!!!

    well basically whats in my signiture!
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    Fish destroying my plants!!!

    Is there anything at all i can do to stop them? because i really dont wanna have to go bak to plastic!! :(
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    Not gonna kill em am i?

    I read in one of my books that you can feed em all that sorta stuff like fish and other meats but its just the quality of the product im abit worried about now! :look:
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    Not gonna kill em am i?

    I have just fed my fish a little bit of a sea food stick, they have in then crab, prawns and some other sorts of fish, they seemed to enjoy them but im not gonna have any casualties am i?
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    What plant will do the job?

    I need a plant that will float on the surface of the water, bit like a lilys in a pond or that sorta thing that will go in my tank! anyone got any ideas? *sorry about the crap description*
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    My big Pleco

    It is just under a foot long, thats why if anyone was looking at my tank a few pictures down the line they will notice my plants everywhere, thats cause of her! :angry:
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    My big Pleco

    hopefully this should work first time, not like the last one! Well this is my big pleco, well thats what i think she is, her names monica!!
  25. monica.JPG


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    My tank

    Yes i have noticed my bedroom needs decorating as it has been that way since i was 6! :lol: hopefully gonna give it a lick of paint this summer! :D
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    My tank

    I am hoping to fill the section in the corner with more rocks buti need a few ideas for what can go in the middle, i was thinking a nice big bit of wood? any ideas people?
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    My tank

    Oh she is the newest addition to my tank, one of the blokes at work had a 2ft by 2ft tank and that fish is just under a foot long so she had to be moved, think she is a pleco of some sort! we have named her monica after monica lewinski because she does the most sucking around the tank! ;)
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    My tank

    this should work now! :D hopefully!!
  30. resized_tank.jpg


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    My tank

    How do u cut the file size down cause that is the problem! :dunno:
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    My tank

    oooo............pic didnt work.....will try again!
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    My tank

    Tanks been running for a month what does everyone think?
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    Just been given a!

    I have just been given a tropical frog by my brothers mate, dont know what sort it is just that its all white. I have no idea what to feed it on and wat surroundings i need for it, seems to like hiding in my rock formation so not to bad......anyone got any helpful suggestions? :dunno:
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    Do fish have a very short memory?

    Well they must have some kind of a memory because i can handfeed my fish so they must remember who i am! Also when i get in from work and they see me they start swimming back and forth around the tank madly cause they know there gonna get fed that also happens whenever i lift the hood of my tank up!
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    Can i add 2 cichlids?

    The Firemouth aint gonna get bored or stressed cause it will be on its own is it or are they natural loners?
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    Can i add 2 cichlids?

    I have been to a few in my area, i have been to one in welwyn garden city but thats more of a tropical shop with koi there and then theres the one in henlow which does everything, is that the one you mean!??!
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    Can i add 2 cichlids?

    Well i wasnt talking about any particular type of cichlids, i just want 2 of the same type that would get on well in the surroundings i have (community tank)! I did take alook at that site, cheers for that it was very helpful, and there were a few types of dwarf cichlids that i liked the look of...
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    Can i add 2 cichlids?

    Sorry about the double posting but on the first time it told me it had failed so i re-typed and re-posted it! :thumbs: *** Mod Edit - Double post fixed! ***
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    Can i add 2 cichlids?

    I was walking round the fish shop the other day and the fish that mainly caught my eye were all the cichlids! Now i was just wondering with the fish i have in my tank (which will be down the bottom!!) are there any nice community cichlids that would be ok in my tank? My tank is 4ft x 2ft x 1.5ft...