female convict moveing rocks?


New Member
Apr 27, 2004
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I was watching her today for about a half hour, there is this little cave like crack right next to the home, shes been going in the little crack moveing the rocks out of there like shes building a cave or something, she keeps going back and fourth to the home and that little crack, what is she doing?
Well sometimes one of my kribs moves bits of leaves and gravel out of her little hiding cave, its like she is creating more space or cleaning it out! Dont quote me on that but its seems it!
ex-amp is right she is getting ready to spon and if there is a male in the tank they will have babies. :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
My female was constantly movin rocks around...she actually made a cave under a Java fern i had...it was at the back so i could never find her...but once i realized where she was i could watch her movin the rocks around....shed also put her belly on the gravel and sorta "flap" her fins fast and blow some away....She's a hard worker :p

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