Fish destroying my plants!!!

what kinds of fish are you talking about? can't help till we know that.
I'd suggest buying algae wafers to get them away. As well as buying a vegies clip and feeding them rommaine lettuce, among other vegetables.
what kinds of plants because iv'e heard java ferns tend to do well because most fish don't like the taste

Edit-->i don't thimk anyone read my post, or am i wrong
My bet is on the barbs and angels. Other than those I don't see anyone that would eat your plants. Get some algae waffers this should help.

My barbs do eat the plants although not as bad as Silver Dollars. They do eat them.

Some of them are actually eating them and some are biting the leaves and spitting it out! which is leaving it all over the surface of my tank! it is my angels and some of my gourami's have been having a little nibble, but other than plastic i dont see no other option!??! :unsure:
Don't go back to plastic i think that the suggestion earlier by tempestuousfury is bang on try algae wafers or a veggie clip. Both are readily available at the local lfs and area better option than removing your plants. once they start to feed on either of the above they will leave your plants alone. (usually) :D
What kind of plants are they?

I found my gourami and angels liked to nip at floating anacharis, but it grew fast enough that it "kept up".

Wish they'd eat hornwort, I throw handfuls of it out every week :)

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