Search results

  1. W

    For Sale - Coral 3f Tan Set Up - Liverpool

    cool drop me a pm and we can sort the details
  2. W

    For Sale - Coral 3f Tan Set Up - Liverpool

    Make it £125 and you have a deal, I dread to think how much this all cost me less than a year ago
  3. W

    For Sale - Coral 3f Tan Set Up - Liverpool

    Yes it comes with the base, comes with everything in the pictures above
  4. W

    For Sale - Coral 3f Tan Set Up - Liverpool

    tank 36inch (Wide) - 15inch (deep) - 18inch (high) overall dimenstions 39inch(wide)- 48inch (high) - 17.5inch (deep) if you need any more ifo please just ask
  5. W

    For Sale - Coral 3f Tan Set Up - Liverpool

    Back to the top before eBay
  6. W

    For Sale - Coral 3f Tan Set Up - Liverpool

    Up to the top, open to offers
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    For Sale - Coral 3f Tan Set Up - Liverpool

    bada bump
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    For Sale - Coral 3f Tan Set Up - Liverpool

    I think it is 35 gallon
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    For Sale - Coral 3f Tan Set Up - Liverpool

    As above a full set up (minus a filter) i have had this set up for about a year now and have not had any issues only selling due to a baby arriving and the missus says we need more space :-( The tank is a coral 3f and is in excellent condition with no scratches etc. The king british WS3 is the...
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    Finally I Can Get Some Fish :-) What Should I Get

    cool it is smooth rounded gravel cheers for your help with this you have been a big help
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    Finally I Can Get Some Fish :-) What Should I Get

    i have gravel substrate not sand :unsure: will the Kuhil loaches not be sutable ?
  12. W

    Finally I Can Get Some Fish :-) What Should I Get

    NICE think the tank is set if i can get the Kuhli Loach
  13. W

    Finally I Can Get Some Fish :-) What Should I Get

    what about the following 1 Male Gourami 2 Female Dwarf Gouramis 3 Kuhli Loach Other Fish 5 TetrasGlowlight 5 Zebra Danios 3 Rainbowfish 1 Bristlnose Pleco will this be overstocked?
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    Finally I Can Get Some Fish :-) What Should I Get

    cheers for the info they have some really nice glowlight tetras in my LFS so will get these :good:
  15. W

    Finally I Can Get Some Fish :-) What Should I Get

    i am LOVING that suggestion looked at all of the about and really like them. only 1 i would be struggling to get locally would be a Kuhli Loach are they expensive and do they just hide or are they active, also are they OK on there own? Cheers for the suggestion
  16. W

    Finally I Can Get Some Fish :-) What Should I Get

    i had been told my tank is not big enogh for a rtbs, i really like these and my LFS has some real nice ones in. also will the tiger barbs and the rtbs eat the danios? thanks for the sugestions as that sounds like a NICE tank :-) plec is around 1.5 inch at the moment
  17. W

    Finally I Can Get Some Fish :-) What Should I Get

    Right i have finished cycling my (UK) 35G tank and can start the best part about fish keeping and pick some fish :good: I will be taking 5 long fin zebra danios off a friend (who is shutting down his tank) as well as a plec (unknown version) will post pics when i get it for a ID. now i want a...
  18. W

    Water Change Barrel

    lift it :-) being 6'2 and 20 stone helps sometimes :-)
  19. W

    Water Change Barrel

    yes i have done and have even used one in a friend house quality piece of kit but the wife will not appreciate me dragging a hose pipe through the house every few days so i will be doing it the old fashioned way with a bucket :-(
  20. W

    Water Change Barrel

    Right i was getting pee'd of with doing water changes in a 2 gallon bucket so got a 20 gallon bucket from a friend but it did have window cleaner in it, can it be cleaned out and made safe for water changes if so with what or should i just buy a new one? Cheers
  21. W

    My First Tank :-)

    its 3 foot wide, 15 inch deep and 18 high. yer i have some slate that i am going to put in and i am going to get some bogwood and plants from my LFS on saturday
  22. W

    My First Tank :-)

    still not 100% sure but will defo be having a pair of angels will i be able to get bogwood from my LFS? i have some spare slate tiles could i put bits of slate in there?
  23. W

    Pair Of Angles

    to be honest no :blush: as you may have guessed i am new to this so i am doing some research into what i CAN put in with them first so i don't fall in love with some fish that are not compatible. ps here is the tank they will be going in
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    My First Tank :-)

    Well here is my first tank i know it is a bit bear so please give me some ideas :-) Cheers
  25. W

    Pair Of Angles

    its 18 inchs high
  26. W

    Pair Of Angles

    Right while my tank is cycling i am picking my fish out and my wife has her eyes on a pair of angels in my LFS, what other fish go well with angles ps my tank is a 3foot 35Gal tank. Cheers
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    New Tank Etc Questions

    cheers so beacuse i will be using less than 100% ammonia do i need to put more in than the caluclator is telling me to? Cheers
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    New Tank Etc Questions

    any one in the UK know where i can get 100% ammonia from?
  29. W

    New Tank Etc Questions

    cheers for the reply's i am going to do a fishless cycle and am going to start as soon as i can get my hands on some ammonia and a testing kit. Which testing kit would you guys recommend? Also i seen the post of mature media and seen someone in my area, should i just pm the person and how much...
  30. W

    New Tank Etc Questions

    Right first things first i would like to say what a informative website this is i am so glad i found this place as the tank was for koi carp before they go in my pond but as i have seen here this is a nono so have decided to go down the tropical route. i have just purchased a 3 foot 35 gallon...