My First Tank :-)


New Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Well here is my first tank


i know it is a bit bear so please give me some ideas :)

I agree, add a few lowlight plants and a few bits of wood and rocks. :good:
Yeah, get some plants in there. I get some nice fake ferns that look pretty real (well, the green ones do... not sure about the blue or red ones!!) And maybe some sort of cave? Try making one out of a coconut, look for the how to threads on here :) Like the log thing hiding the heater :)
i actually like tanks fairly sparse as long as the fish population is correct for that environment.

what are you interested in keeping?
Awwww thats a good first tank. Alot better then my first tank. Looks like you put alot of research into it. GOOD JOB :good:
OOH! Nice tank! :hyper:

Some planting should finish it off. I personally prefer broad leaf plants - they make a better architectual statement ( in my opinion)

Maybe some java fern, amazon sword and eel grass at the back with some japanese dwarf rush and hair grass towards the front?? Just a suggestion :good:

Remember Less is more...... Subtle is the best policy coz I have seen some god-awful ones
i actually like tanks fairly sparse as long as the fish population is correct for that environment.

what are you interested in keeping?
still not 100% sure but will defo be having a pair of angels

will i be able to get bogwood from my LFS?

i have some spare slate tiles could i put bits of slate in there?
i actually like tanks fairly sparse as long as the fish population is correct for that environment.

what are you interested in keeping?
still not 100% sure but will defo be having a pair of angels

will i be able to get bogwood from my LFS?

i have some spare slate tiles could i put bits of slate in there?

yep bogwood from lfs

slate always looks good, wash it well first.
put some java moss on the log at that back, that'll look cool!

then get some bogwood (from your lfs) and some plants like hygrophilia, java fern, anubias, vallis.

will look great! :good: :good: :good:
nice looking tank! how big is it? remember angels need plenty of space but by looking at ur aquarium it looks fine. I thing some slate wood look nice a back corner, and a good plant to get would some ludwiga, they have always been good for me.
nice looking tank! how big is it? remember angels need plenty of space but by looking at ur aquarium it looks fine. I thing some slate wood look nice a back corner, and a good plant to get would some ludwiga, they have always been good for me.
its 3 foot wide, 15 inch deep and 18 high.

yer i have some slate that i am going to put in and i am going to get some bogwood and plants from my LFS on saturday

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