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  1. D

    New Filter In An Old Tank

    Thanks boboboy, that seems about right - if it normally takes, what, 6 weeks or so to cycle a tank, I would think a month or more to get the new filter set up. I'm not in a rush to take out the old filter, just curious and want to know......
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    New Filter In An Old Tank

    I moved everything from my 10 gallon to a new 30 gallon, and have a new larger filter in the 30 as well as the old filter. How long until the new filter is ready to take over on its own, ie, that I can take the old filter out? Thanks!
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    Aquarium Had Dirt In It - Safe For Fish?

    Yeah, I didn't like the boiling water idea either. Good point Mr DS - with a new tank I would have filled and let it sit, but not with this one. However I will do that - the tank looks pristine but you never know with mice and it could be a minor hole. Thank you everyone.
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    Another Stocking Question

    No I am not set on the pandas, had them once before and they were darn cute. I will have a look at the others, a pair of a few different types is appealing as well. More variety! Thanks!
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    Aquarium Had Dirt In It - Safe For Fish?

    Thank you both, I will rinse and clean it well and now I can't wait to get started - tomorrow can't arrive soon enough!
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    Another Stocking Question

    Juicebox thank you, that sounds very reasonable, the rasboras will be happy with a larger group and I will get my zippy cories.
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    Aquarium Had Dirt In It - Safe For Fish?

    I have a 30 gallon that housed mice briefly, with dirt as their bedding. I know reptile aquariums shouldn't be used for fish, but am I correct in assuming that this aquarium should be ok to be as an aquarium again? I figured on scrubbing it well with baking soda. It has never had soap of...
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    Another Stocking Question

    Oh I do like the idea of neons, I love the rasboras but would like more variety - hmmm though, I used to have a planted tank of endlers and I never saw those little guys either, thats why I was thinking larger fish this time around, so maybe more rasboras would be better. Grrrr arrrgh. My...
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    Another Stocking Question

    I have a 10 gallon planted tank with 2 dwarf honey gouramis, 2 harlequin rasboras and 4 Hengeli rasbora. I have a 30 gallon that I would like to transfer everything to, and then to put a few new fishies in over several weeks (I won't rush it). The 10 gallon is pretty, but the fish are often...
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    Ques Re Older Betta In Ill Health

    Thank you all. I will go check for swim bladder meds, and I will cook him up a pea tomorrow. Its hard to keep the water warm because there is so little of it. The house is warm, the heat is on, and I wrap his bowl in a blanket for the night. Thank you, its nice to know that I am on the...
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    Ques Re Older Betta In Ill Health

    Thank you for the responses. He does not look fat or bloated. He is not constipated as he is pooping well. No white patches, no problem breathing. He looks exactly the same as he always has. I looked up swim bladder and it seems to refer to fish who float at the top, not sink, am I wrong in...
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    Ques Re Older Betta In Ill Health

    My oldest betta, who I think would be turning 3 in a few months, is having a hard time getting to the surface. I noticed it the other morning, it is like he is too heavy. He was resting on the bottom and then would swim hard to the surface and breathe, and then slowly sink again. Sometimes...
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    DIY mix for the Plant-Gro CO2 System??

    I have the Hagen kit, and I do this: In a 1/2 C measuring cup, almost fill it with warm (not hot) water. Add 1/4 tsp of yeast to it and a pinch of sugar, let it sit while you put the sugar and baking soda into the container. Into the well rinsed bottle, put 1/2 cup of sugar, with a flat...
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    Don't laugh...

    Don't keep this on long at all, they have proved that plastic wrap will leach chemicals into whatever it covers. Yes it does this into our foods, especially when used in the microwave. I don't know how much the warmth of the aquarium or the heat of the lighting would affect it, but I wouldn't...
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    Does anyone use algae remover

    OOgiesBettas: Now that is interesting, I hadn't thought about snails. I will look into the various species. I do know that otos are delicate, I have several in my planted tank and have lost a couple over the year (or they are reeeeally good at hiding). And Flame used to harass the cories, I...
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    Does anyone use algae remover

    Thank you! I definitely won't use chemicals then. The dividers are fairly permanent, they are made to go right up to the lip around the top of the tank, and were a pain to put in. So I guess I'll try an oto in each section, but that just seems so cruel to the otos. Maybe I'll put 2 in each so...
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    Does anyone use algae remover

    I have a 10 gallon divided, and I have trouble with algae in it. I have tried live plants to compete with the algae, but there isn't enough lighting for them. I change the water frequently and scrub the algae out but it just grows back. I want to take the dead real plants out and put silks...
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    under tank reptile heater

    I also use the 2.5 minibows with 25 watt submergable heaters with no problems. Buy a good quality one, pain for the cost but less likely to fail and cook your fish.
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    Dory jumped the divider!

    That is quite interesting, I think I knew they have teeth, thats why they can do so much damage to each other, but to think of them as teeny tiny sharks, well, thats even more fun!
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    Fishless Cycle Or cycle with fish

    It is always better to cycle without the fish, and if you can find the pure ammonia it goes really fast, I just did my 5 gallon quarantine tank in under 3 weeks. But if you must cycle with fish, just put the one betta in and do frequent water changes. It is better for the cycle to take longer...
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    Dory jumped the divider!

    The biting is pure fun. They think they have teeth and they are ripping you to shreds, but to us it just feels like Elisabeth said, kind of a sucking. Flame wants to bite so bad, he ignores his food until I stick my finger in and let him attack me. Then I guess he feels he has killed me and...
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    Dory jumped the divider!

    I wondered if a betta would try to jump the divider and Dory did! I have a 10 gal split in 3 with Spike (male), Dory (female) and Flame (male). The divider is made so that it cannot be jumped while the canopy is on. Today I made a water change, and just as the water reached the top, about 1/3...
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    Cory and Betta

    Many have success with Bettas and cories. Just make sure you have a backup plan. My betta just chased the cories and hassled them non stop. Stole their algae wafers too, very funny to see the betta swimming around with this big ol wafer in his mouth. The betta ended up in his own tank.
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    Endler's Setup

    Make sure you cover the end of the filter inlet, I cut a small hold in a piece of filter foam (AC foam) and stuck it over the intake. That was AFTER one of my tiny endlers ended up in the filter. He was ok though. Teeny tiny endlers. :D
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    Undecided over tank

    Thanks MH, I calmed down a little bit, and decided to wait a few days and then contact the seller again. If they sell it right away then good for them, if they don't get any offers then they might negotiate. I do think that it is a good price, a full stand and matching hood is quite expensive...
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    Undecided over tank

    I really want a bigger tank, and just found a used one for sale. 55 Gallon, with oak cabinet and matching top. Canister filter and accessories. $275. It would be a tight squeeze to come up with that money right now, and then I would want eco-complete for the substrate, which would be a pretty...
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    I too was very confused, I found This Site the clearest for me. Hope it helps.
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    got a new dog... can anyone help me??

    The trick is to get her to do something else, distract her, so that the barking and growling only last a second. When she does her barking act, say "thank you" or "enough" whatever you want, call her and ask for a sit, down, roll over and reward her. Make her work for a few minutes. Make sure...
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    Ok these aren't great, and they sure don't show how nice the light from the CF bulbs are, but you can certainly see how well the plants grow. This is the tank on Saturday , before I did any pruning. This is what it looks like every week! and after the pruning, I only left 2 smaller...
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    Just got a 10 gallon

    Discomafia: lol, I live in Ottawa as well, I bought my CF lights at Big Als ! THere is one in the east end and one in Kanata.
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    Just got a 10 gallon

    Well I have a little planted 10 gallon with a small community of fishy-beasts. I have an incandescent canopy, so I replaced the two cheapo aquarium lamps with two screw-in CF lamps here and I use the hagen co2 unit here. My silly plants grow like weeds, I do a little diy pmdd ferts too. I...
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    Just lost my first fish

    I started fishkeeping in February of this year with a betta, and by the end of March had 2 bettas and a 10 gallon planted. Until this week I was proud that I had not lost a single fish. This past Saturday I decided to take out quite a few plants from the 10 gallon, the plants were so thick I...
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    Hagen co2 unit

    The same thing happened to me and then I realised it wasn't absolutely vertical. Do try what Maestro suggests.
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    I can't see the sick fish...

    Thanks ClutteryDrawer, your avatar has my two pandas! I will follow your advice, I surely hope he is not dead.
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    I can't see the sick fish...

    Two days ago I spotted a tiny bit of cottony fluff on a cory. I started treatment the same day. Yesterday the fluff was a little bigger. This morning I can't find that cory. The other (healthy) cory is still swimming around, but I can't see the sick one anywhere. There are lots of places...
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    has anyone used a python?

    When I bought my python, the white plastic connector part had been changed to brass. I guess python was getting complaints about the plastic failing over time. So you are screwing a brass gizmo to the tap, much better. I only have little tanks but I still love the python for filling. So much...
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    10g tank

    I have some cories, otos and 6 male endlers in my 10 gallon. I love the endlers but I think I would do male guppies if I were to do it over. The endlers are so tiny, often its like the tank has no occupants. Mind you my tank is heavily planted so there are lots of hiding places. I just think...
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    My Photo Journal - Dual 55G Tanks

    I sure am enjoying all your stories about acquiring these tanks and now setting them up. Keep going, I want to hear more! I hope to have a55 gal one of these days, so I will be watching to see what you put in yours. (You have two!! Just a little jealous here). Won't it be a pain in the rear...
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    Substrate for a 55+ Gallon full planted...

    According to the substrate calculator, if your tank is 48 inches by 13 inches, for 2 inch deep you need 69 pounds of eco-complete, How many pounds in a bag, 20? So 4 bags of eco-complete for a 55 gal?
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    divided tank troubles

    I also made the divider go right up and touch the glass cover, but then I also cut extra pieces of plastic canvas, and using the plastic thread, "sewed" them to the dividers. So I can fill my tank and no-one can visit. I have a male on each end and a female in the middle. Here is the...