I can't see the sick fish...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Two days ago I spotted a tiny bit of cottony fluff on a cory. I started treatment the same day. Yesterday the fluff was a little bigger. This morning I can't find that cory. The other (healthy) cory is still swimming around, but I can't see the sick one anywhere. There are lots of places to hide, as they do have a cave and lots of plants. I am hoping he hasn't died, or gone off to die. I have always seen them both every day before this.
I am going to keep treating the tank...I should, shouldn't I? For at least a couple more days and hope he shows up?

I would carry on treating...I know that plenty of times I have looked in my tank, not been able to see all the fish, worried about it loads, only to have the "missing" ones turn up fine a few hours later

Keep treating, keep an eye on teh ammonia and nitrite jsut in case he has died and started to rot, and if you dont see him in the next few days you might wanna start lifting up decor and stuff to see wehre he's got to...:(

hope he's ok
Thanks ClutteryDrawer, your avatar has my two pandas!
I will follow your advice, I surely hope he is not dead.

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