

Fish Fanatic
Oct 27, 2004
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Why should I tell you?
I thought this is how cycling went :
DAY 1:Test water for amonia nitrite and nitrate using test kits once in the morning and again in the late aftrnoon. If you find amonia and nitrite present above 1.0ppm change enough water to get levels down to between 0.5 and 1.0ppm. I f they are allready at this level then dont change any water.
DAY 2:Reapeat day 1 again and again until absoloutly no amonia or nitrite are present and only nitrates are seen and thats it! You have cycled! AND NOW you can buy fish.

But now people are saying that you should keep a fish in the tank during cycling.
Im confused.
Can anyone tell me what the right way to cycle is?
there are three ways to cycle a tank
1) fishless (using pure ammonia)
2) fishless (using fish food)
3) with HARDY fish.

checkout the begginers section as there are pinned topics that can help you.
As The Woolf said, you need to have a source of ammonia in the water to make the cycle actually happen either from ammonia, rotting fish food, or fish poo. An empty tank left to stand will never cycle. :)

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