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  1. G

    Gourami's And Plants?

    My blue gouramis love my heavily planted 29g. They love to swim around the leaves of the plants and sometimes just rest on them and chill! One time I was staring at one of them who was staring back at me. It was just resting on a leaf and not moving. Was quite funny to see. :D
  2. G

    Neolamprologus Brichardi

    Congrats! My Pulchers have gone haywire. One pair spawned after one week and now another pair spawned. The first pair must have over 50 by now.
  3. G

    My 120g Tanganyikan Tank

    I picked up my 6ft light and I really like it a lot better than my original plan of 2 3ft lights. I also took advantage of how it is setup to retrofit it with some 12" cold cathodes I bought earlier on for Moon Lights. I really like the end result. Here's a video of the Daffodil fry...
  4. G

    Couple Of New Pics

    I love that Dennison Barb! I've never seen one before. Great shots!
  5. G

    My 120g Tanganyikan Tank

    Thanks for the great compliments! I found out today that the largest female Cyp is holding!! Hope I get some good fry from her. I also managed to get some better pics of the Daffodil fry. This one was the bravest and came to check me out.
  6. G

    My 120g Tanganyikan Tank

    There's around 120lbs of rock in the tank right now. There's enough for everyone as it's barren at night. However, there's definitely more than enough fishes for the tank. There's a total of 36 of them in there! During the day there's a lot of activity when everyone's out. :)
  7. G

    My 120g Tanganyikan Tank

    Thanks all for the kind words. :) I'm using an Olympus E3 DSLR with the 12-60mm lens which I love. I really enjoy watching these guys go about their business. Each group has such a unique behaviour it makes everything so interesting! I've met up with several people with Tang tanks when I...
  8. G

    My 120g Tanganyikan Tank

    After a month in the hobby with my 29g, I had the MTS urge and ended up buying a 120g 6ft long tank. The seller threw in some of his fishes that were in there so I had to setup the tank right away when I got home. I am finally finished stocking the tank and here are the details. Tank: 120...
  9. G

    Does Anyone Know What This Fish Is?

    Auloncara sp. "Fire Fish"
  10. G

    Does Anyone Know What This Fish Is?

    Looks like a Fire Fish to me.
  11. G

    Help Im Unsure If I Am Sexing My Pearls Right

    Just give them time to get used to you. My Gouramis know me quite well now and will usually stay in one spot in front of the tank posing. :)
  12. G

    Help Im Unsure If I Am Sexing My Pearls Right

    Thanks! Yes they are mine. :) They were tiny when I got them and didn't look too good but they have turned out really nicely!
  13. G

    Help Im Unsure If I Am Sexing My Pearls Right

    The best way to sex gouramis are the dorsal fins. The males are quite easy to determine with their pronounced longer and pointed fins. Here is a male Blue Gourami. Here is the female. Notice the shorter and rounded fin. I find that almost everything else is identical in the males and females.
  14. G

    29 Gallon Planted Tropical Tank

    Thanks! :D The tank is definitely quite clear. I originally had an Aquaclear 50 filtering the tank thinking that would be enough but I ended up getting a Fluval 405 in addition. :D The plants and the army of 4 BN Plecos, 2 Otos and RCS also help keep it clean. As for taking pictures, I think...
  15. G

    Six Blue Gouramis In A 68 Gallon?

    I have 5 Blue Gouramis in my 29 Gallon heavily planted tank and they're doing great. There's 2 males and 3 females and they like to chase each other after I feed them. :)
  16. G

    29 Gallon Planted Tropical Tank

    Here are the tank specs: Substrate: Seachem Fluorite Red (30lbs) Lighting: 2 x Coralife Freshwater Dual T5 (6700K + 10000K) Ferts: Flourish Excel, Flourish, Flourish Iron, Phosphorous, Nitrogen and Potassium They camera used is an Olympus E3 DSLR with 12-60mm lens.
  17. G

    29 Gallon Planted Tropical Tank

    I started this tank 2 months ago as my very first Aquarium. This is how it looked 2 months ago. Here's how the tank looks now. My tiny bunch of Roseafolia is now 4 large bunches at the back of the tank. The Anubias has gotten quite large and my Bacopas have gotten quite tall. I'm using...
  18. G

    Members Tanganyikan Cichlid Photographs

    Neolamprologus Brevis Pair (Female on left) Neolamprologus Brevis Male guarding shell Neolamprologus Pulcher "Daffodil" Juvie Neolamprologus Pulcher "Daffodil" Adult Male Cyprichromis sp. "Leptosoma Jumbo" Kigoma Julidochromis Marlieri "Gombe"
  19. G

    Blue Gourami And Otocinclus Cat Pics

    Just wanted to share some pictures I took of my Blue Gouramis and Otocinclus Cats. :)