My 120g Tanganyikan Tank

wow! This is an amazing looking tank! I very jealous of the size of tank, and am loving the fish, you've even started me thinking about chichlids when I get a larger tank!
Love the layout of the tank too!
Very nice looking Tank and congratz on the fry.

Hopefully you have some surivers to help fill that tank up a little :good:
There's around 120lbs of rock in the tank right now. There's enough for everyone as it's barren at night. However, there's definitely more than enough fishes for the tank. There's a total of 36 of them in there! During the day there's a lot of activity when everyone's out. :)
Thanks for the great compliments! I found out today that the largest female Cyp is holding!! Hope I get some good fry from her.


I also managed to get some better pics of the Daffodil fry. This one was the bravest and came to check me out.


Tank looks great and great selection of fish!!! Mate of mine is setting up one of this tanks, will have to show him yours :)
keep us posted :good: :good:
I picked up my 6ft light and I really like it a lot better than my original plan of 2 3ft lights. I also took advantage of how it is setup to retrofit it with some 12" cold cathodes I bought earlier on for Moon Lights. I really like the end result.




Here's a video of the Daffodil fry. Their number has increased by quite a LOT!

And a video of my tank.

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