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    Zebra Danios Circling Each Other, 2 Only In A 10 Gal.

    could this be a sign of them mating? should i try breeding them.. it would be cool if they did then i could probably feed them to my oscar... also my 4 danios in another tank, they seem to be darting at fighting at each other.. could this be a mating sign to?
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    Id My Fish i know its a afracan cichlid but not sure which kind
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    Tiny Tiny White Transperant Specs On Tank Glass All Over Tons Of Them.

    ok thanks alot for the info. ill see what they grow into and then solve the problem
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    Tiny Tiny White Transperant Specs On Tank Glass All Over Tons Of Them.

    they dont look like hydras. i found a similer pic online it looks exactly like it.. maybe it might be hydra in baby form? they are nothin more bigger then a milimeter.
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    Tiny Tiny White Transperant Specs On Tank Glass All Over Tons Of Them.

    o crap i see some more on my other tank starting to build all over the surface of the glass... its infecting my tank.. i dont think they are snail eggs no more... so do hydras harm my fishes? im pretty sure they came from the hornworts now. in the other tank they are not moving to the flow of water.
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    Tiny Tiny White Transperant Specs On Tank Glass All Over Tons Of Them.

    i dont have a good camera.. they are really small and ALL over the front and 2 sides of the glass... not sure about the back of the glass but their must be millions, well almost. but i dont get how a snail could lay all these eggs.. i didnt see no snails cept 1 realy tiny one which only apears...
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    Tiny Tiny White Transperant Specs On Tank Glass All Over Tons Of Them.

    they dont look nothin like eggs, they dont move except with the water flow and seem to be stuck to the tank glass but water would wiggle them. what could thy be.. they are really really tiny, i didnt notice them till i looked really closely and seem to be stuck to slim on the tank im geussing by...
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    Can I Mix Oscar With Africans?

    yeah im not planning to keep the oscar for long.. maybe till it gets 3-4 inches bigger and imgonna give him away
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    How Many Yellow Labs Will Fit In My 25gal?

    i have a 25 gal tall tank with sand being cycled right now and was wondering how many i could fit in there? most likely gonna start with small guys another Q, do all africans grow the same size at 5"? i have a african in another tank right now but not sure what kind he is
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    Can I Mix Oscar With Africans?

    hey all.. i have a 3.5 inch oscar and one 2 inch african cichlids.. i just got the african today, not sure what its called but i think i wanna get 1 or 2 more with him so hes not lonely.. is this a good idea? i was thinkin maybe add some other kinds to.
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    Just Got Oscar But Not Doing Good..

    ok. looks like he doesnt have hith since the holes are realy tiny and you need to look realy close to see the holes, i think they are just tiny holes maybe from a fight or something when he was a babie?.. well it looks like he has Ick, i can find about 3 spots of white on him... should i care...
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    Just Got Oscar But Not Doing Good..

    i searched it up.. it doesnt look like the ones compared on google, but maybe my fish is to small to show it?
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    Just Got Oscar But Not Doing Good..

    i dont have a digital camera yet. hes in a 46gal. and are those tiny tiny holes on his head a disease for sure? also the white dot is on his swimming thin
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    Just Got Oscar But Not Doing Good..

    would they really take him back?? seems like the oscar ate 2 danios.. they seem to be missin.. right when i got into the room i seen the oscar chasing them but after he saw me he jus lays on the bottom..
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    Just Got Oscar But Not Doing Good..

    k i just poked him, the first 3 to 4 pokes he wouldnt move.. so i used the net and started circling it around to get a current to pull him out and now he swam to the middle and is laying down again.. yeah thanks for the info that helped alot. ill poke him once in a while to make sure he not dead
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    Just Got Oscar But Not Doing Good..

    he hasnt ate yet.. i just got him in the tank about 12 hours ago.. i got him from pets mart and noticed there were quite alot a dead fishes in each section.. maybe a disease going on in the tanks...
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    Just Got Oscar But Not Doing Good..

    oh boy i really hope your right.. he is laying under the 7 inch line bubbler thing and hasnt been moving from that spot for quite a while, even when i poked at the tank lightly he wouldnt move.. this got me thinking hes gona be gone by tomorrow and by the looks of it im pretty possitive hes...
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    Just Got Oscar But Not Doing Good..

    hey all.. i just got a new oscar fish but seems to be just laying around the bottom of the tank.. i looked closely at the oscar and seen a few realy tiny holes on his head.. also one of his fins is ripped and the color seems to be fading a bit brightish kinda in stripes(fish blue).. also i seen...
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    Planted Tank With No Plant Substrate?

    hey all.. i want to put a few plants in my tank but i dont have a substrate for them.. im using sand right now.. is there a way were i could use some little pots and stick the plants in it so it floats to the bottom but your plant will have a little pots at the bottom.. i've seen these at a...
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    Is Ammonia And Nitrie Levels Spike Up Really Low While Cycling?

    hey the info helped, thanks.. i am using the halogen kit which is liquid.
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    Is Ammonia And Nitrie Levels Spike Up Really Low While Cycling?

    hi all im cycling 2 tanks right now. i got a 10 gal, cycle started on march 20.. 46gal cycle started about march 27th.. soo the 10 gal levels of ammonia is 0.1, nitrite at 0.1 and nitrate at only 5? really weird because last time i checked(4days ago) nitrate it was alot higher then that.. im...
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    When Is Ammonia, Nitrite, And Nitrate To High?

    at what readings will i need water change.. for example - ammonia 5, nitrite 5, and nitrate 50 im currently in cycle right now and not sure when is too high
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    Update On My Cycle!

    wait wait wait.. so your suposed to do a water change to keep the nitrites and ammonia down to 0 if you have nitrates up and your done fish cycling?? i have 0.3 ammonia, 0.6 nitrite, and like 20 - 30 nitrate.. does this mean im cycled?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought you needed some ammonia and...
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    Fish Tank Smell

    so does this smell go away after the bloom or is it gonna be permanant till i do something about it?
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    Fish Tank Smell

    i dont know the exact name but its banana plant or something like that.. it looks like theres mini bananas on the bottom of the plant if i did clean the tank is there something i should use to eleminate the smell? vinagar did not work
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    Getting Media Mailed To Me..

    get him to put the filter media in a bag(or non leakin container) of water that wont leak.. dont they mail fish online??
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    Fish Tank Smell

    well i have 2 tanks and they both smell... the 10 gal readings are ammonia at .3, nitrite at .6 and nitrate at about 20-30.. i have 1 plant in the tank, it was also overcrowded during cycle but not anymore.. there is also greenish water im geussing from the plant.. for the second tank which i...
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    Fish Tank Smell

    are fish tanks suposed to smell? mine smells realy awful and the tanks clean but still has a smell and it kinda makes the room smell.. is there some kind of spray or anythin to kill the smell?
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    Cycling Fish Tank Overload!

    ammonia is at 0.6 and nitrite at 0.3, just did a water change not to long ago as the water was really greenish. also my ammonia didnt kick in for my 50gal for some reason, its been 5 days since i got it running with the rena xp4, there is 4 fish in there right now.. when shoould i start seeing...
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    White Mold On My Wood!?!?

    there seems to be white mold growing on the drift wood.. discovered it while movin it to a diffrent tank.. i tried rinsing it with hot hot water but its still there..
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    Cycling Fish Tank Overload!

    hi all i have a 10 gal currently in cycle, there was 5 danios, a plant and a dwarf frog in the 10 gal which was obviously overloaded.. now since i got a new tank i can cycle with 1 fish and 1 plant but will i have problems in the future since i overloaded it for a week?