Just Got Oscar But Not Doing Good..


New Member
Mar 28, 2008
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hey all..

i just got a new oscar fish but seems to be just laying around the bottom of the tank.. i looked closely at the oscar and seen a few realy tiny holes on his head.. also one of his fins is ripped and the color seems to be fading a bit brightish kinda in stripes(fish blue).. also i seen a white dot on one of its fin.......... is this how a oscar normaly acts? maybe because hes in a new home now and he lays at the bottom? i dont know any help would be great.. i feel really bad for this guy=(

edit- i also did a 20% water change

edit again - also the oscar had pooped out some weird tan poop(not sure if poop) but it floated to the top of the tank, 2 loads came out, the 8 danios chewed it up and ate it........ if it was poop i dont think the danios would eat it... could this be organs? omg i feel so bad for the oscar
Typical oscar behavior. Light the tank with room light only for a few days if possible. Oscars are famous for behaving this way, wait until you do a gravel vac or other maintenance, they pout & sulk like a teenager having his parents clean his room.

Don't be surprised if it takes a few days for him to start acting normally. This is to be expected.

***Edit to add***

No, your fish did not lose anything important. Depending on what it is fed the other fish may find this a little tasty, similar to dogs eating cat poop.
Typical oscar behavior. Light the tank with room light only for a few days if possible. Oscars are famous for behaving this way, wait until you do a gravel vac or other maintenance, they pout & sulk like a teenager having his parents clean his room.

Don't be surprised if it takes a few days for him to start acting normally. This is to be expected.

***Edit to add**

No, your fish did not lose anything important. Depending on what it is fed the other fish may find this a little tasty, similar to dogs eating cat poop.

oh boy i really hope your right.. he is laying under the 7 inch line bubbler thing and hasnt been moving from that spot for quite a while, even when i poked at the tank lightly he wouldnt move.. this got me thinking hes gona be gone by tomorrow and by the looks of it im pretty possitive hes gonna be gone sone.
I would say it was attitude aswell, as Oscars are known for it. However, some swimming activity should be happening. keep giving him a gentle nudge and see if he swims. Is he feeding okay?

I would say it was attitude aswell, as Oscars are known for it. However, some swimming activity should be happening. keep giving him a gentle nudge and see if he swims. Is he feeding okay?


he hasnt ate yet.. i just got him in the tank about 12 hours ago.. i got him from pets mart and noticed there were quite alot a dead fishes in each section.. maybe a disease going on in the tanks...
k i just poked him, the first 3 to 4 pokes he wouldnt move.. so i used the net and started circling it around to get a current to pull him out and now he swam to the middle and is laying down again.. yeah thanks for the info that helped alot. ill poke him once in a while to make sure he not dead
You say a few tiny holes in the head? This may be "hole in the head," a disease that effects oscars through poor water quality and small enivorments. Also the fins are ripped? If this was how you bought it, this was not a very good purchase. O's are very common in aquaria and you could easily find a much better specimen. If you still can, you should take this guy back to petsmart and get your money, or atleast a store credit. I would recommend not getting fish from any of these "box stores" either as they are cramped on space and time so the fish don't always get the best treatment.

Also, you said there are white spots on him? This is ich and is very contagious and quickly wipe out a tank in a few days if untreated. I hope things turn out well for your danios and any other fish you have in there, but he needs to be removed from that tank into a quarentine, or what I think... back to the lfs and get a refund for selling a diseased fish...
You say a few tiny holes in the head? This may be "hole in the head," a disease that effects oscars through poor water quality and small enivorments. Also the fins are ripped? If this was how you bought it, this was not a very good purchase. O's are very common in aquaria and you could easily find a much better specimen. If you still can, you should take this guy back to petsmart and get your money, or atleast a store credit. I would recommend not getting fish from any of these "box stores" either as they are cramped on space and time so the fish don't always get the best treatment.

Also, you said there are white spots on him? This is ich and is very contagious and quickly wipe out a tank in a few days if untreated. I hope things turn out well for your danios and any other fish you have in there, but he needs to be removed from that tank into a quarentine, or what I think... back to the lfs and get a refund for selling a diseased fish...

would they really take him back??

seems like the oscar ate 2 danios.. they seem to be missin.. right when i got into the room i seen the oscar chasing them but after he saw me he jus lays on the bottom..
They should take him back if he is sickly, but they may say he caught it from your tank. Posting a picture would help with any diagnosis.

BTW, what size tank is he in?
They should take him back if he is sickly, but they may say he caught it from your tank. Posting a picture would help with any diagnosis.

BTW, what size tank is he in?

i dont have a digital camera yet. hes in a 46gal. and are those tiny tiny holes on his head a disease for sure? also the white dot is on his swimming thin
Hard to say without a picture. Do a google image search for hith, as well as ick.
Hard to say without a picture. Do a google image search for hith, as well as ick.

i searched it up.. it doesnt look like the ones compared on google, but maybe my fish is to small to show it?
HITH will look the same on a smaller fish, ick will look proportionally worse, as the ick protizoan will look larger.
HITH will look the same on a smaller fish, ick will look proportionally worse, as the ick protizoan will look larger.

ok. looks like he doesnt have hith since the holes are realy tiny and you need to look realy close to see the holes, i think they are just tiny holes maybe from a fight or something when he was a babie?.. well it looks like he has Ick, i can find about 3 spots of white on him... should i care him for ick? tomorrow ill go down to petsmart and see if they can refund but if not should i treat the ick or will it eventualy go away?

i already took the danios out so the oscar is left alone, cept i cant get 1 danio out.

weird that the last danio has 3 marks on one side... i think it could be ick, although its not really white but more like lost scales.. im thinkin maybe the oscar scared him up some how but why is the 3 marks on one side, oh yeah and the 3 marks on the danio around roundish they are more like lines about 2mm - 4mm tall
If there are only 3 spots I would keep an eye on him, it may just be an injury, as it sounds as if he was a bit beat up. If you start to see more spots it is ick, if it looks as if the fish was sprinkled with a little salt. Maracide is a commonly available ick treatment in the US. I would use this if they won't take the fish back.

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